Faster Backswing = More Club Head Speed?

I went to the range yesterday to experiment with a faster backswing for more club head speed hitting a 21* hybrid. I held two trials. 1) take the club to the top normally (which for me is likely standard speed), and 2) much faster BS with a hip initiated downswing just before the club reached the top. My baseline fundamental at address was the right foot being positioned 90 degrees to the target line, and turning into my right side, not a sway into the right side, to generate torque. The other fundamental was a connected rotation to the top, meaning the butt of the club was in front of the buttons on my shirt for as long as possible on the arming-it to the top which is my lazy swing.


Faster BS distance won by about 10-15 yards. However, the major caveat was to keep my arms and wrists relaxed on the faster BS so as to not grab the handle near or upon transition because it feels more out of control, or requires a major trust factor. In other words I really have to remain loose and trust the faster BS and more "violent" transition into the DS. I suspect the increase in distance was due to a significant increase in lag. That said, I really had to trust that the club head with increased lag (gumby-feeling looseness...but not too loose) was going to get back to the ball. As for dispersion both swings were relatively equal....if...and only if I employed the baseline fundamentals.

I can see how this is easier to do on the range without penalty vs. teeing it up on a 192 yard par 3 over water and suddenly ditch the shot with even the slightest amount of tenseness or last second need to "control" the shot. But golf is supposed to be fun so why not throw care to the wind? And if anything, use range balls on those pesky par 3's !! LOL.