How much do you spend on equipment?

I may spend $300 or $400 a year in wedges and balls, I'll get new irons every 2 or 3 years.
they see an older guy with rock star long hair tooling around in high end exotic cars with 18 to 22 year old girls

Rock. On! :clapp:
My name is Pkielwa, and I have a club-buying problem... I need to stop with my yearly madness. I think I'm set and then I go to a demo day and put my stuff up against new releases and I end up figuring out how to buy it all. I literally am done, other than for balls/tees/gloves, after this week. I will have replaced my driver, irons, hybrids, and fairway this year so I'm done for a while. I really don't need to keep spending, but I usually get stuff at cost and can sell it later to help break even. So, this year, about $1200 on new stuff, after selling old stuff, net is about $600.
I tend to hang on to things, sometimes well beyond their useful lifetime. Yearly....clubs, balls, gloves, etc....probably $400, $500.

I don't really sweat that, because that amount PALES in comparasion to what gets spent on actually playing. Membership, green fees, carts on occasion, and so on. That number, I refuse to put down anywhere my wife might stumble across it.
If i could, i'd probably spend as much as $400 or $500 a month just to hoe clubs. I actually rarely spend anything, as i only practice during the weekends, and play for the team during the week (comes with team fees). I dont remember the last time i bought a dozen balls, and i dont get new gloves too often as i'm usually wearing them until i get blisters through them..
That number, I refuse to put down anywhere my wife might stumble across it.

Totally agree with this statement. I spend a lot on clubs when I'm trying to upgrade but once I find something I like I keep it for a while. The amount I play though, my club dues are fairly pricey and I like variety as well so I probably play 4-5 rounds a month at other clubs.
Reading this thread, I feel like an old miser... I've had the same irons for 18 years now lol.
If I looked at the number I'm afraid I'd stop playing...
Way too much... I don't want to know...

While I have been "better" the last couple of years, I would have to agree with your sentiment.
Reading this thread, I feel like an old miser... I've had the same irons for 18 years now lol.

Time for a change!

I plan on getting fitted next spring. I've had my eyes on the i20's since they came out. And now there is spaculation about a new i25 line...
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