how often do you triple or...


"Just playin golf pally"
Albatross 2024 Club
Aug 28, 2012
Reaction score
planet earth, milky way galaxy
...worse per round?
The other threads about birdies and 3pitts got me wondering how often you might triple or even worse.
Of course many of you good players may go many rounds without one but I have to assume many mid and higher cap players would be doing this quite a bit more.

I would gues I average 1 triple or worse per round. Sure, I can go a three in a row without one but then may have 2 the next time out. Some rounds only 1 while others 2 and some none. I'd have to say honestly aveage 1 to 1and1/2 per round
It takes a good proper screwup for me to have a triple anymore. I would say 1 per every 10-12 rounds maybe?
If I had to guess one every 5 rounds... Lazy swings creep in sometimes
I can pull a triple with the best of them although if im playing decent I can go a few rounds without having to face it. Usually if I have a triple bogey or worse it probably wont be my only blowup for the round.
I'm good for at least one triple every couple of rounds. Though it's sooo much easier stringing triples together than birdies.
I was thinking that three triples per round is average for me. I checked a recent scorecard, and sure enough, I had two triples and a quad.
That particular round I was +8 on the Par 5s and Even on the Par 3s. Shot an 89 on a par 71 course.

I do need to work on my Par 5 scoring. Seems like if there's ever a rooftop or water, I'll find one or the other, or both.
Not often compared to what it used to be. Maybe once every 3-4 rounds on average when you look at it all?
Once maybe every 6 or 7 rounds, but it's always on a par 3 and usually there is water involved.
Atleast 2 triples and a quad per round mostly because of putting.I can make a run of 4 to 6 holes of par golf then get a big score, go back on a 2or 3 hole par run then another big score. Repeat that for 18 holes and ill end up 85to90 most days .
At the beginning of the year, I'd always have one or two. Last five rounds I think I had one. Yesterday, I played a round with no doubles or triples. Yeah! Learning to relax and swing easy.
I'm usually good for 1 or 2 triples per round.

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I pick up after double, but if I didn't, I'd probably have 1 every other round or so.
Last 3 rounds I have tripled or worse 3 times in each round...
Once a round being 18 handicap. Sometimes if a bad day worse, but they're happening less and less.
I think, depending on the course, usually more than one per round, average.
Yesterday, I think I had 4.
Today, two.
I could probably manage at least one every two rounds. When my sh**k is in its full glory (which it is now) I could triple, or worse, a bunch of holes each round.
Seems like at least one per round. Occasionally 2 or more. I have recently had several round without one as well which is new for me.
I am good for 1 or 2 a round ... getting better at avoiding them of late ..
1 every two or three rounds.
I seem to have one once every 3 rounds.... Usually starts with a bad tee shot with a driver and progresses from there.
Every time I play and usually multiple times per round. I joke with the club pro about ordering me larger scorecards so I can fit my scores in the boxes :D
Triple bogie, about every two to three rounds, higher than triple, very rarely, though I did have a quad on Saturday. Can't remember the last before that one.
1 Triple around every 3rd round I'd guess I have a lot of good holes, then 1 or 2 blowup holes quite a bit.