My online lessons..(please watch) and let me know what I need to work on

Mystery Meat

Ben Hogan Fan
Nov 22, 2013
Reaction score
Groom Lake
Bad Gas
Hey guys

i have been having tons of success with my "reverse release/ opposing hands" info. Have learned a ton from guys over on the dirt. I also seek help from online lessons as well..I take little bits and pieces and add to my game to improve. I'm very short,,but very straight,,. Doesn't hurt to get different perspectives, and what one may have missed another may have found approach. Already got some great info from a few members on here as well. Again , just take a look,,and at the worst, maybe these videos might have something that will improve your game in them. My goal is to keep on improving, and help you guys if I can.

here is my lesson (Zach allen)

actual swing

the consensus would be shorter backswing..higher and slightly wider. I'm also staying realistic that I'm just not physically capable of hitting the ball 300 yards.. I tackle tips and advice that I can do physically.

Pw 100 yrds 7 iron 155 to 160. Driver 250 to 260

ball flight .: push draw.,to very straight,
clubhead speed: driver 103 to 107 (using skypro)
7 iron speed: 82 to 85 mphs ( using skypro)
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:call-me: One last thing,,,I was also told I'm way to narrow,,especially on the downswing. I was told , and practiced religiously "right elbow forward" ..don't hit my side. So if you get your right elbow forward, wouldn't that make you more narrow? What is bad about being narrow?
I can see the things Zach is telling you but your swing looks very good to me. Good luck with the online lessons.
:call-me: One last thing,,,I was also told I'm way to narrow,,especially on the downswing. I was told , and practiced religiously "right elbow forward" ..don't hit my side. So if you get your right elbow forward, wouldn't that make you more narrow? What is bad about being narrow?

doesnt elk get dilfers elbow forward in his lesson with him? isnt that the twirl?
doesnt elk get dilfers elbow forward in his lesson with him? isnt that the twirl?

That is a good question have look, is pitch elbow.. Good/ bad? Will it cause injury,, this is what I have also been focusing on for months and months. Elbow as far forward as possible..

Now ow that would be a interesting thread,IMO.. Elbow forward..pitch elbow
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pitch elbow..getting it as forward as I can.. Gets low point more forward...but does cause a more narrow downswing
Well I would probably go in another direction to Mr. Allen. I wish I was at home and could use some of the items I have on my personal computer but I'll have to make due here.

I like where your hands are in relation to the depth in your swing. Meaning when Mr. Allen was showing where your hands were at the top of your swing compared to Boo, his hands maybe mid foot in depth and yours towards your heel. I prefer to get my students more towards the heel as it can promote a better chance to get the club on plane, which you did in your video. When you stopped getting that position, in your second video, your club got steeper and lost swing plane.

The other items I noticed were in your lower body movement throughout your swing. There is nearly zero weight transfer in your move to the top of the swing. This is obvious when looking at your top position in the second video and seeing the right leg nearly locked out and the left knee kicking towards the golf ball. You can also see the right hip move towards the target which clearly indicates what I'm talking about.

Lastly is the release in your swing. You have done a great job at being able to retain wrist hinge, which is a great ability to be able to do. The reason you are not seeing much distance in your swing is because of how your lower body is using the transition of power. Mr. Allen started to mention this but then got off track or wasn't able to talk about it properly. You do not have proper hip turn through the hitting area. Mr. Allen mentioned your slide in the downswing, this is a fake turn. It gives you the feeling of weight transfer your body wants without the hip turn. This is also why you don't see proper release in your golf swing past impact. Take a look at Boo in the video below at the 49 second mark. That's the release that you want and don't see in your swing because of the lack of hip turn through the hitting area. The other visual you can key on is at the 46 second mark (impact) is that his hip is not gone past the left heel. Basically if you had a wall just at his left foot his hip would not contact the wall.

My recommendations. Keep the depth. Work on keeping the lower body quiet in the backswing. Keep the flex in your knees as similar as you can from address to the top of your swing. This will make the swing feel a little tighter or stiffer in the move to the top, allowing you to store more coil and power. Also will help you not to have to work as hard to turn through the hitting area on the downswing.

Work on clearing the hips through impact. Think about the motion of throwing a baseball from a pitching mound. Drive with the right leg towards home, right knee going towards home, hips clearing so that they point towards the batter and pushing with the ball and inside of the right foot. I would imagine you'll actually find some more power in your swing.
:act-up: Spot on review callaway. That depth ( handle behind right heel at top of backswing) is one key to best the steeps. It allows you so much more room to bring it in/ not out. My pivot stinks,.stinks. I was hoping right elbow way forward would help with the pivot. In reality,..this doesn't allow me or others to stay on the tush line..or maintain depth created in the backswing. Agree with knee flex needing maintained..and reducing turn. Go golfmtrx app.. I have slot of work to do.,and pivot will be a huge huge step,,
You remind me of my regular golf buddy, a very good player looking for faults in a swing that works very well for you. I'd hang the "natural athlete" label on you (S&T thread discussion). Not many people are built or flexible enough to make what is generally considered a perfect swing - Adam Scott or Rory Mac. Nothing wrong with trying to improve your swing but then there is the "if its not broken, don't fix it" adage. Every change you make or attempt to make will effect other parts of your swing, possibly to the bad.
You remind me of my regular golf buddy, a very good player looking for faults in a swing that works very well for you. I'd hang the "natural athlete" label on you (S&T thread discussion). Not many people are built or flexible enough to make what is generally considered a perfect swing - Adam Scott or Rory Mac. Nothing wrong with trying to improve your swing but then there is the "if its not broken, don't fix it" adage. Every change you make or attempt to make will effect other parts of your swing, possibly to the bad.

Not sure about the athlete part..but thanks so much..I'm smiling as I type this.. I agree..swing your swing. This swing perfecting can be endless quest. But if I could fine one denominator that we can all work on.,it would be the pivot and not coming OTT.( shallowing the club) The steep and cast / flip is killer..and hard to get over
Few things I see that could assist you in becoming more consistent. The left arm is breaking down or straightening as the swing reaches the top. This is due to a lack of flexibility if the left rear deltoid. Work on take the club to the top of your swing with a straight left arm and holding it. This increase your strength and range of motion. Or you could stop you swing prior to the breakdown.
You may want to try taking the club back on a straighter path instead of inside. This is really the only way you're going to hit those fades the online instructor was talking about. An inside out swing path isn't going to produce to many left to right fades.
I would take some of the rounding out of your shoulders. Just get the chest stuck out a bit more.

maintain the flexing the right leg, and turn into the inside of the right leg. This will shorten you swing and if you couple this with a straight left arm, you should see slightly higher hands. This will also help keep the club in front of you.

lastly you have a huge slide right through the hitting zone. Having that left leg break the line created by the ball position just does produce a controllable shot. Can you play for this position, yes but your control will be increased with less slide. I'd like to see the left hip clear and pull off the line. Pull back away from the ball. Now if you do this an don't make any of the other changes I mentioned, you get a case of the pulls. Why? Because you have learned to play the swing you have. And you flip your hands at impact, hence the closed club face.

Less inside more straight on the take away
left arm straight
right knee flexed through entire swing
chest out a bit
clear left hip (pull off the line)

these aren't big changes and really don't need to be made of you are happy with your action. If you want more out of swing then give it a go.
:act-up: The weird thing, my swing feels completely different than what it looks like on camera. This year, I went with more feel practice..and changing my swing via ball flight look. I feel like I turn like crazy..but on camera I have no turn at all...( pivot). I do feel the club flip over so so fast after I make contact with the ball. I try holding on even longer ( hence elbow forward I was working on ) .. Hence I still feel face shutting big time at my left pocket...I guess I found a way to make it work this year...but in tournament play, I can see this closure causing some issues when pressure kicks in. My last video I posted was after I worked on zach's stuff for a week and a half ( before snow . I tried to keep hands in front like Bo transition. My previous thought before was to swing behind my right shoulder..and almost tip my head back and to the right in transition. This would really drop me way to the inside..and get me way below plane.. I had some fats appear in my last round. So I decided to tackle Zach for a lesson.

can't believe the great advice and help I received so far..thanks a million
i agree. With knee flex and pivot..all of this. Just trying to keep this as simple as I can make it
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:blowkiss: I used to be way to far from the inside,,,last film steeper..but more consistent strikes

my my left shoulder would be way too closed..I think this is how I started flipping real choice , I swung so far to the right..only way I could square or go dead right. Maybe fade and hold will help
:act-up: Thanks for all Kind words and advice on bad winter is kicking in now. I'm not going to do so called winter golf, as they do up here. Just hitting into a net..

such a short season this year...and I know it will be a long winter..already 10" of snow on the ground. But I do have to say, after playing all,over the US. The area I live in has the best looking courses at the best prices..

Would love to have one week in the 50's or so to work on all of this
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:act-up: more opinion ( early Xmas gift from brother)..3

im trying to find like areas from different perspectives. Unfortunately both of these lessons are a complete 360 degrees different of each other.

So far I like learning a fade ( preventing face from flipping post impact). Pivot and more width in backswing,,handle behind right heel. Besides that my transition isn't too bad.

i hope I'm going about these online lessons in the right way, I just like 2 nd opinions..
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Are you trying to learn how to hit a fade?
No flipping is killing me. And distance loss

I have no clue what this means. What are you trying to accomplish with all these videos
:act-up: I guess I was just looking at a consensus on what I'm doing wrong in general...the post flip after impact is pretty bad. Never knew I did this until I filmed.. I guess I'm just looking to much into online lessons..thought the 2 would be similar...but both brought up different issues and solutions. I guess I'm confused on which one I should go with.. My bad for signing up for 2 online lessons from 2 different guys ( my bad there)

not sure which one to go with..monte seems like more changes..Zach..less changes..kinda like work with i have

Not to interrupt, but a simple grip change can make flipping your wrist more difficult to do physically.
:act-up: Forgive me guys,,I did another online lessons,and I'm just confusing myself. The simplest thing I'm going to work on is keeping bent right legs,not rigid.,.and do Zach request on a hold fade release. I'm going to work on this for a few weeks,,and maybe do a update

Forgive me guys,,I kinda got caught up in this filming my swing and making it look conventional. Bad thing about filming,,just got a little greedy.

Feel like an an idiot now...


Good luck whatever you do with your swing. I find for me keeping it simple and playing the swing I have that day and try to score with it produces better results. I see too many people playing swing instead of playing golf, just my observation.
:act-up: Forgive me guys,,I did another online lessons,and I'm just confusing myself. The simplest thing I'm going to work on is keeping bent right legs,not rigid.,.and do Zach request on a hold fade release. I'm going to work on this for a few weeks,,and maybe do a update

Forgive me guys,,I kinda got caught up in this filming my swing and making it look conventional. Bad thing about filming,,just got a little greedy.

Feel like an an idiot now...



Meat, anything you do after impact is irrelevant, the ball is gone. That said, what you do after impact is the result of what was done BEFORE impact. If you want to get rid of the "post flip" all you need is more lower body rotation. You're basically releasing the club very fast after impact because your arms can't go any farther and they have to expend the energy and movement they just put through the hitting area. If you want this to happen farther down the line visually you need to turn through the hitting area to create the space that your body is searching for.

A great drill to feel this is the Mirror drill. Take your setup. From there make the movement as if you are starting your backswing. Stop when the is parallel to the ground just below waist high and pointing down your toe line, the club pointing away from the target. From there turn both your lower body and shoulders moving the club from the takeaway position to your following through position and stop. Your right forearm should now be above your left, the club pointing down toards target now. Basically you mirror the takeaway position in the follow through position. Weight has transferred to the front leg, hips and shoulders are turned towards the target, arms fully extended away from the body. I know without pictures this could be hard to visualize, let me know if I'm not making sense here.

The point of this drill is to provide a way for you to feel the release and the weight transfer that is supposed to occur post impact with proper rotation of the body.