Unexpected and sudden gain of distances

You have always had this in you once you grooved the swing. It has come a bit more repeatable and at #TheGrandaddy what I saw was a guy that trusted it a bit more. Keep at it and more will be there.

This is a lot of what I've said to him as well. I'm happy for you CJ!
Awesome to hear and awesome to see CJ. I have seen you come so far in the last few years, from the first time we played at Greystone to The Granddaddy to just last weekend. Not to mention your ace just recently.... Keep up the good work!
Nice! Awesome to hear. Anyone who plays with you can see the potential. I knew you had some distance in there somewhere.

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That's awesome CJ. Keep up the good work

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Good for you CJ, keep doing what you are doing
In one way its great but I know for me I am still dialing in yardages with increased distance this year. Wedge distance is driving me nuts at times. I take less club and still pound it past where I wanted to.