What club are you hitting here?


Albatross 2024 Club
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Let’s say your ball is in the fairway and you have an approach to a front pin at exactly a full 9 iron distance. Do you:

A. Hit a full 9 iron
B. Take some off an 8 iron
C. Something else
Full 9. erry day
Full 9 baby. Those perfect full club yardages only come up so often, and you gotta seize the chance.
Front pin? I'm choking down on an 8 iron and going for the center of the green.
I’m hitting a full 9
is the green sloping down towards the front? then taking some off an 8. otherwise full 9.
Full 9i. It's so much easier for me to do that than try to knock something off an 8i.
There are very few pins I don’t gun regardless of the distance. I’ll be charged up so might even take PW, 🤣

Not a choice but I’m not opposed if I have a backstop. Bullet spinny wedge? Worse things have happened.
Depends what's in front of the green.

In general though, I'd hit a "full" / stock 9-iron before a soft 8. Full being in quotation marks because I really don't go 100% with anything higher than 5-iron.
If everything shot of the green is fairly flat or the green slopes fairly hard back to front, full 9. If there's a a big false front or the green has a backstop ridge beyond the pin, baby 8.
I'm punching an 8 in there. Something I'm working on at the moment, my GiR has gone up hugely since I've started doing that.
Full 9i

Much easier to hit a full shot than trying to take something off another club
Full 9i

I struggle to hit anything “soft”. Rather be accurate and short than right length and wide.
It depends, is the front of the protected by bunkers? Elevated green? Is wind a issue? If non of the above I would swing a 9 otherwise, it's a 8 iron and make sure I'm on the dance floor.
I'm going to check the wind. I'll likely go with a full 9 and land in the middle of the green.
It would depend on the conditions, and I would play to leave myself the best miss. If the front is guarded by any bunker, water, etc and missing short would be trouble, I would play my 8. If it’s open and short still allows a good play, then I go 9. Wind also would be taken into account.
Full 9 unless trouble up front then 8.
Let’s say your ball is in the fairway and you have an approach to a front pin at exactly a full 9 iron distance. Do you:

A. Hit a full 9 iron
B. Take some off an 8 iron
C. Something else
Depends on the conditions, wind and temp.
Depends on the setup obviously, but I am hitting full 8. That is probably middle green distance which I assume is generally the fat part of the green. #1 priority is to be putting for my next shot.
As others have said, depends on what's in front...trouble, penalty area, bunker, etc. If it is fairly flat or with no trouble I will hit an easy 9. Otherwise, I would hit a full 9 or choke down on an 8 and spin it back. Love a 9 iron distance!
Full 9 unless the wind is blowing
Depends on the setup obviously, but I am hitting full 8. That is probably middle green distance which I assume is generally the fat part of the green. #1 priority is to be putting for my next shot.
Agreed. Mr. Nicklaus said there's nothing wrong with the center of the green. I'm not sure, but I heard that he kind of knew what he was talking about when discussing golf. :p
So... I'm a 9i away from the green?

I'll take option B.

Most of the time I under club and wind up short. I'm tired of that so, if I think it's a 9i then I grab an 8i.