What club gives you the most confidence in your bag?

Gotta go with the nickent 23* hybrid...never hit a bad shot with it somehow.
Either my 7iron or 2 iron(Cleveland VAS, original stiff steel). Ironic that a 2 iron is my "go to" club.
56* 588 Cleveland sand wedge gets my vote. It just feels good when you pick it up and swings like a dream.
For me probably 8 iron. I know I can hit it great and about 150 all the time. I also love hitting flop shots with my 58*.
I currently have the most confidence in my driver right now. If I am not hitting my driver well that day I know that it is going to be a bad day. Because where I play if you are anywhere besides the fairway you're in a pretty bad lie.
I love my new driver and my putter. Let me tee off and putt and I'm pretty confident. Iron shots... not so much. Not the clubs fault, though, it's my swing.
I love my new driver and my putter. Let me tee off and putt and I'm pretty confident. Iron shots... not so much. Not the clubs fault, though, it's my swing.

I wish these were the areas I was comfortable with... lately these are the 2 areas killing my score.

Back on topic: I'm digging my wedges right now 60, 54 and PW. I think I'm going with PW... I've come to know and love that club these past couple months. Honorable mention to my new Mashie M5.
After my latest ball-striking fiasco, I'm voting for the ball retriever. Or maybe the putter -- it was acceptable.
After my latest ball-striking fiasco, I'm voting for the ball retriever. Or maybe the putter -- it was acceptable.

haha thats hilarious, ive had more than a couple of those days this year
My Adams driver has been old faithful for me the last few years. Have tried replacing her twice but can't seem to leave her behind.

The Dunlop 7 wood is so much of a go to club. In the fairway from 200 yards or off the tee from 180-210. Its kind of magical & there is only so much in it each round. Sometimes I swing & just can't explain the result. Holes Ive never been able to do anything on & I'll give it a rip and carry water & rocks and stop it like a wedge. If I were building a set of clubs, somehow I would like to figure out why it works so well and go from there...
So far this year it's been my PW, I've went back to it for any shot 110 and under, it's about the only club I can hit with much accuracy.
8-iron for me. It would be interesting to see a thread with what club gives you the least confidence, I'd answer my putter right now for that one.
My 4 hybrid right now I'm hitting it long high and straight and the ball lands like a butterfly!
My putter. I played for the first time this year today and my putter was money! All that practice time putting to toy ring on the carpet paid off big time. My putter isn't pretty, but works great for me! :thumb:
8 iron I guess. It's got a little distance and I definitely expect to stick on the green with it. Gave me an eagle last year then I hit the flagstick on the very next hole with it.
58* wedge is my baby right now! 50-70 yards is money for me. I need 70 yards and give a full kind of sweeping swing and it'll roll out to 70 for me. I need fifty yards and I hit down on it hard and fly it about 55 and it sucks back very nicely. (then I'll almost need a new ball as well) Get short sided behind a bunker and flop it right over. Stuck behind a tree with low lying branches and nowhere else to go and it's like superman (leaps tall trees in a single bound)!
I'm all about the wedges, 8 and 9 irons. Really love the control I have with the short clubs.