Do you remember the first time you swung a club?


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Apr 27, 2013
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Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.
A friend and I were talking today and he asked me this question, and without even hesitating I said yes. I remember it like it was yesterday and then he asked if I remember how it felt, to which I again replied yes. It felt natural right form the start and has done so ever since. How did it feel for you?
I do, it was at the Severna Park golf center in Arnold Maryland. The temp outside was around 100 and I didn't have a glove on so after attempting to hit a few balls the club flew right out of my hand and flew about 50 yds and almost hit a fella. The year was 86 or 87, and I didn't pick up a club again til 97 when I began playing. I look back on it and remember how difficult it was. Who knew we'd meet again and fall in love lol.
I do as well. It was White Plains golf course in southern Maryland on the first hole (now the 10th hole as they've since swapped nines). I didn't have my own clubs, so my dad waited until we were down around the dogleg out of site of the clubhouse and dropped a ball in the fairway for me, about 80 yards or so from the green. I took a swing with the picthing wedge he handed me, which didn't feel natural at all... the swing or the contact (harsh feedback). The ball never got more than about a foot off the ground, hit about 15 yards from the green, ran up onto the green and into the hole. I was hooked... and still feeding the addiction today.
I think I do...I bought a set of clubs before ever swinging one. It was on the range of my current home club. 2000-2002...
Hoffman's Driving Range in Latham, NY. No clue on the year, but I was there with my dad, and super frustrated at how difficult it was to simply hit the ball. When I finally did make contact, the ball kept ricocheting off the barrier to the right. Sliceopotomas.
I do remember, I went to the driving range with my dad when I was 10 or 11 and grabbed one of the rental clubs. I play baseball left handed so I grabbed a left handed club and he goes "No son, you are going to learn to play golf right handed, too hard to find left handed golf equipment." From that day, I learned to play the game right handed. Still bat left handed though.
I do , was in mid 80's .. Buddies 3 wood with his dad on a short par 4. I pelted it (150 yards ) down the middle . That was the only shot I got airborne all day. I was hooked
I was 8 or so and my Dad at the time was a solid golfer and had a buddy chop a 6 iron iron down and we just hit the ball in the yard. I played for a year or so with that club and a chopped down mini golf style putter.
I don't remember the exact time, but I know it was in Asmara Ethiopia between 72-73, I used to go with my Dad to the course there and try to whack a few balls once in a while. Didn't really get the bug till the mid 80's.
Spring of 2010, my neighbor was hitting chips in his front yard, and he offered one to me to take a few swings. Hooked me.
I'm surprised a lot of you remember. I have no clue when the first time I took a swing was. I can't even remember the first time I went out and played an actual round of golf.
First swing ever, no. I tried golf when I was young for a few weeks and gave up because it was so hard.

This go around yes. It was at a lesson with a friend and reminded me of a quote from the move Mr. 3000:

"The first week at bat was a lot like the first week out of the womb for Stan. A lot of drooling and a lot of just flailing around for the erstwhile King of Swing."
First swing ever... no clue.

I remember my first golf hole ever though. Remember it like it was yesterday. 150 yard par 3 and I remember having a laminated print out of how far each club should go. It said 150 yards = 7 iron. Grabbed my 7 iron and chunky dunked it.
I remember my first swing. My grandpa took me to a driving range after a little league game one night. I kept swinging the club like a baseball bat, taking my right hand off during the follow through. Interestingly enough, that didn't get me hooked on golf. I didn't start playing regularly until about 5 years ago, about 15 years after that first swing.
Yes I do. I was a sophomore in high school. A friend and I were walking through the country club neighborhood of town (we lived on the other side of the tracks so to speak) to a friends house. We cut through the golf course and saw a friend that was on the golf team practicing on one of the holes. He asked if we wanted to hit a couple. After they both hit, I was handed the club. I think it was PW. I was so nervous about looking like a fool I spent more time over the ball than Sergio on a bad day. They finally got bored and started walking toward the green. Well, I didn't know the first thing about golf etiquette and finally hit the ball. I actually got it airborne and it flew over their heads and landed a few yards short of the green. It ticked my friends off but gave me a little more confidence for the next time I tried.
I can't remember the first time I actually swung a club but I do remember the golf camps my mom put me in at 7ish to learn how to play. They were half days and they were so much fun. I used to love when they set up the practice green as a putt putt course with sand, mini trees, OOB ect and you have to play. Great times
I don't, it would have been in the mid to late 80's though.
Nope. I do remember my dad taking me to the course with him and having fun, but it was a one time deal if I remember correctly.
I don't remember the swing, but I remember the club. My grandpa had cut down a persimmon driver to about 30" and gripped it with a generous amount of electrical tape. He later did the same with an 8i and a putter and that's what my brother and I played with when we went to the course with him. I remember very clearly how excited we got when we got to spend a day at the course with him. Been an amazing ride since then.
I do. In the front yard with my grandpa's Spalding 7i. Took a couple of swings then found a ball. Took another & broke a window. At that point my grandpa got on me pretty good, but swinging that club hooked me.
I remember being on the golf course with my family with my mickey mouse practice clubs and an oversized hard plastic golf ball. I don't particularly remember swing the club.

I definitely remember some of my first lessons as a kid though. I still lift my left heel on the back swing as a result of those lessons.

I don't really remember actually swinging my first club but I do remember being out with my dad and my little 3 club set that had a driver, iron of some sort and a putter haha. I remember him giving me quite a few strokes but always pretended like I was still almost beating him
I remember my first golf swing as well. Felt weird at first because I was so used to swinging a baseball bat, which while it has some of the same concepts, it's an entirely different swing. But now my golf swing is comfortable and swinging a baseball bat feels weird to me.
My first time swinging a club was at a family reunion somewhere around 2002. We played Robert T. Lynch (Putterham) in Brookline, MA. I was on the first tee, stepped up to the ball, swung and completely missed. I've played baseball my whole life, so my uncle joked "I bet if I threw the ball at you, you'd hit it".