solipsistic \sol-ip-SIS-tik\


1. of or characterized by solipsism, or the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist: Her treatment philosophy dealt with madness as a complete, self-contained, solipsistic world that sane people are not able to enter.
commensal \kuh-MEN-suhl\


1. eating together at the same table.
2. Ecology. (of an animal, plant, fungus, etc.) living with, on, or in another, without injury to either.
sternutation \stur-nyuh-TEY-shuhn\


1. the act of sneezing.
skookum \ SKOO-kuhm \


1. Northwest U.S., Canada . excellent; first-rate.

2. Northwest U.S., Canada . large; powerful; impressive.

adjective prox·i·mal \ˈpräk-sə-məl\

[h=2]Definition of PROXIMAL[/h]1
: situated close to : proximate

: next to or nearest the point of attachment or origin, a central point, or the point of view; especially : located toward the center of the body — compare distal

Triskaidekaphobia \tris-kahy-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh, tris-kuh-\


1. fear or a phobia concerning the number 13.
pigsney \ PIGZ-nee \


1. Obsolete . a darling.

2. Obsolete . an eye.
belie \bih-LAHY\


1. to show to be false; contradict: His trembling hands belied his calm voice.
2. to misrepresent: The newspaper belied the facts.
polymathy \puh-LIM-uh-thee\


1. learning in many fields; encyclopedic knowledge.
ballast \BAL-uhst\


1. anything that gives mental, moral, or political stability or steadiness: the ballast of a steady income.
2. Nautical. any heavy material carried temporarily or permanently in a vessel to provide desired draft and stability.
thaumaturge \THAW-muh-turj\


1. a worker of wonders or miracles; magician.
effulgent \ih-FUHL-juhnt, ih-FOO L-\


1. shining forth brilliantly; radiant.
doggo \DAW-goh, DOG-oh\


1. Informal. in concealment; out of sight.
augur \AW-ger\


1. to conjecture from signs or omens; predict.
2. to be a sign; bode: The movement of troops augurs ill for the peace of the area.
glitterati \glit-uh-RAH-tee\

plural noun:

1. wealthy or famous people who conspicuously attend fashionable events.
brolly \BROL-ee\


1. British Informal. an umbrella.
demassify \dee-MAS-uh-fahy\


1. to break (something standardized or homogeneous) into elements that appeal to individual tastes or special interests: to demassify the magazine industry into special-interest periodicals.
2. to cause (society or a social system) to become less uniform or centralized; diversify or decentralize: to demassify the federal government.
Pickwickian \pik-WIK-ee-uhn\


1. (of words or ideas) meant or understood in a sense different from the apparent or usual one.
2. (of the use or interpretation of an expression) intentionally or unintentionally odd or unusual.
inutile \in-YOO-til\


1. of no use or service.
ad hockery \ad HOK-uh-ree\


1. reliance on temporary solutions rather than on consistent, long-term plans.
butyraceous \byoo-tuh-REY-shuhs\


1. of the nature of, resembling, or containing butter.
emblem \EM-bluhm\


1. an object or its representation, symbolizing a quality, state, class of persons, etc.; symbol: The olive branch is an emblem of peace.
2. a sign, design, or figure that identifies or represents something: the emblem of a school.
switcheroo \swich-uh-ROO, SWICH-uh-roo\


1. an unexpected or sudden change or reversal in attitude, character, position, action, etc.
variorum \vair-ee-AWR-uhm, -OHR-\


1. containing different versions of the text by various editors: a variorum edition of Shakespeare.
2. containing many notes and commentaries by a number of scholars or critics: a variorum text of Cicero.
sprightly \SPRYTE-lee\


1 marked by a cheerful lightness and vivacity (as of movement or manner) : spirited

2 having a distinctively piquant taste