gleed \gleed\


1. Archaic. a glowing coal.
sororal \suh-RAWR-uhl, -ROHR-\


1. of, relating to, or characteristic of a sister or sisters; sisterly.
Lots going on right now - I forgot to post yesterdays WotD

rallentando \rah-luhn-TAHN-doh; It. rahl-len-TAHN-daw\


1. slackening; becoming slower (used as a musical direction).
Lots going on right now - I forgot to post yesterdays WotD

rallentando \rah-luhn-TAHN-doh; It. rahl-len-TAHN-daw\


1. slackening; becoming slower (used as a musical direction).

This might apply to my golf swing too.
cogitation \koj-i-TEY-shuhn\


1. concerted thought or reflection; meditation; contemplation: After hours of cogitation he came up with a new proposal.
2. the faculty of thinking: She was a serious student and had a great power of cogitation.

[COLOR=#878787 !important]past tense: inundated; past participle: inundated[/COLOR]

  • 1.
    overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"we've been inundated with complaints from listeners"


This word just DRIVES me crazy. A lady that works for me uses it multiple times a day to let me and everyone else know just how busy she is. Like fingernails on the chalk board kind of crazy

looks like this thread is inundated with wordsmiths:deadhorse:
fritter \FRIT-er\


1. to squander or disperse piecemeal; waste little by little (usually followed by away): to fritter away one's money; to fritter away an afternoon.
2. to break or tear into small pieces or shreds.
interosculate \in-ter-OS-kyuh-leyt\


1. to form a connecting link.
2. to interpenetrate; inosculate.
fritter \FRIT-er\


1. to squander or disperse piecemeal; waste little by little (usually followed by away): to fritter away one's money; to fritter away an afternoon.
2. to break or tear into small pieces or shreds.
This is my word for the next few days
dowie \DOU-ee, DOH-ee\


1. Scot. and North England. dull; melancholy; dismal.
cicerone \sis-uh-ROH-nee, chich-uh-; It. chee-che-RAW-ne\


1. a person who conducts sightseers; guide.
Turn Signal - it's optional equipment on your car that shows good manners to other drivers
glut \gluht\


1. an excessive supply or amount; surfeit.
2. a full supply.
catchpenny \KACH-pen-ee\

1. made to sell readily at a low price, regardless of value or use.

1. something that is catchpenny.
Syllogism: an instance of a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn (whether validly or not) from two given or assumed propositions (premises), each of which shares a term with the conclusion, and shares a common or middle term not present in the conclusion (e.g., all dogs are animals; all animals have four legs; therefore all dogs have four legs ).
How have you been Jacob? Playing any golf at school?
Turn Signal - it's optional equipment on your car that shows good manners to other drivers
A piece of equipment that is apparently not available on BMW's....
Nah, haven't had the time or the money. I'm going to be able and get out some this spring though, for sure.
How have you been Jacob? Playing any golf at school?
periphrasis \puh-RIF-ruh-sis\


1. the use of an unnecessarily long or roundabout form of expression; circumlocution.
2. an expression phrased in such fashion.
mackle \MAK-uhl\


1. to blur, as from a double impression in printing.


1. a blur in printing, as from a double impression.
internuncial \in-ter-NUHN-shuhl\


1. serving to announce or connect.
2. Anatomy. (of a nerve cell or a chain of nerve cells) serving to connect nerve fibers.
astir \uh-STUR\


1. moving or stirring, especially with much activity or excitement: The field was astir with small animals, birds, and insects.
2. up and about; out of bed.
totidem verbis \TAW-ti-dem WER-bees; Eng. TOT-i-dem VUR-bis\

1. Latin:

with just so many words; in these words.
afflated \uh-FLEY-tid\


1. having inspiration; inspired.