T.P. Mills Anvil Series "Nellie" Model - Stainless Steel


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Jan 20, 2010
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Well, I honestly love seeing boxes show up, especially when they say T.P. Mills on them.

This one showed up Friday and I apologize for the delay in getting pics up but it was a busy weekend.

This one is one of the absolute best T.P. Mills head designs around in my honest opinion, the Nellie. I'm super excited to demo this one as I've a) always wanted to roll a Nellie and b) really like the thicker flanged putters more than blades.

So without further ado, the SS T.P. Mills Anvil Series "Nellie"...I think the picture speak for themselves...










I should be getting out tomorrow, really can't wait!
Looking forward to your thoughts, she is a beauty Jman.
:sad: I'm so hoping this gets made Lefty at some point. The Ming and Nellie are almost making me want to putt right-handed!
Wow, That is a real Beaut. I love that high toe. You're a lucky man Jman.
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Looking forward to your thoughts, she is a beauty Jman.

Its definitely a classy looking head-style for sure, actually took me back a little bit seeing it in person.

:sad: I'm so hoping this gets made Lefty at some point. The Ming and Nellie are almost making me want to putt right-handed!

JD, just keep being relentless on Jay to bug and beg David!!!!

Wow, That is a real Beaut. I love that high toe. You're a lucky man Jman.

Hi-toe putters are SESSY for sure!
Looks awesome!
That is one amazing looking putter, I like the fact they stuck with the blue sightline. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this one.

I love the flange and the size of the putter and how it flares to the end

Mills has me more and more wanting to buy one out just to try it and add it to my ever GROWING collection!

What about putting a mini anvil as a sight line dot?

****Sorry had to drool a little Jman

I love the flange and the size of the putter and how it flares to the end

Mills has me more and more wanting to buy one out just to try it and add it to my ever GROWING collection!

What about putting a mini anvil as a sight line dot?

****Sorry had to drool a little Jman

Drool away! This one is stainless so no worries about rust! LOL

I'm saving my review until I'm done and have played some more, 31 putts today though on her inaugural outing. That included 6 one-putts, 11 two-putts, and one pathetic 3-jack that was ALL user error.

It's certainly gorgeous in hand I'm still uncertain that it fits my personal eye at address right now though, but, that's just a personal thing. Great feedback off this one to the hands though, David is a whiz with his putter balancing.
Jman, how would you compare this to the Ming, after rolling the ming last night, I'm thinking a little bigger blade with less offset might suit my stoke a little better. Thanks.
Jman, how would you compare this to the Ming, after rolling the ming last night, I'm thinking a little bigger blade with less offset might suit my stoke a little better. Thanks.

It would definitely fit the bill then. The Ming has the same width as my Trad II so I'll snap a couple side-by-sides for you when I get home from the course.

I'm the same way with you about the Ming, in fact, those were the only two knocks in my review and they were simply personally preference, I like a little bigger/wider flange and a non-plumber's neck. The Nellie does that by a more square-ish look at address and it had David's hybrid hosel which looks and works wonderfully.

Pics when I get back for ya buddy!
It would definitely fit the bill then. The Ming has the same width as my Trad II so I'll snap a couple side-by-sides for you when I get home from the course.

I'm the same way with you about the Ming, in fact, those were the only two knocks in my review and they were simply personally preference, I like a little bigger/wider flange and a non-plumber's neck. The Nellie does that by a more square-ish look at address and it had David's hybrid hosel which looks and works wonderfully.

Pics when I get back for ya buddy!

I can't wait, also, now who do I have to pay off to give that nellie a try?!?!
I can't wait, also, now who do I have to pay off to give that nellie a try?!?!

Ask and ye shall recieve, sorry about the terrible picture, but, it get you what you want to see!


As far as who to contact, PM Craig and ask, never hurts to ask.

36 putts today, not all the putter alot the puttee. Plus the greens were rock hard and I didn't adust till the back 9, no joke, full wedges into the green BOUNCING with no divots lol, I know it 108* here bu c'mon!
30 putts today! T.P.'s stainless putters are really growing on this Carbon Head. The softest SS putters I have ever rolled in my life, I just still struggle with the look of the Nellie at address/ That's still a personal thing though.

P.S. I had two baaaaaad arse British Open style chip/putts from feel off the green that both stopped at 2-feet. Awesome.
Jman, is this one off to it's next tester? I hope it can be me!!!
Just shot Craig an email to see where it needs to head!

The CS Anvil is on it's way to me now, so hopefully someone will get to enjoy this beauty in the meantime, but I can't wait to try it out someday.
The CS Anvil is on it's way to me now, so hopefully someone will get to enjoy this beauty in the meantime, but I can't wait to try it out someday.

Both excellent flatsticks for sure, enjoy them!

I'll get my writeup on this one together in the next day or so!
Got the Nellie in the mail on Friday. Going to hit the course this week and get some practice time too on the green. Lots of pictures. On top of it all, I bought the RoboCup ball return system from a fellow member so lots of putts to come and maybe a little video :D

Thanks for the opportunity and I will make sure to update you all on my findings

I'll be getting all my thoughts on this one up today at work (who would have thought it would take going back to teaching to have free time, sheesh! LOL).

I'll be getting all my thoughts on this one up today at work (who would have thought it would take going back to teaching to have free time, sheesh! LOL).

Lol, back to the quiet life? Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this.

As with the previous reviews on the Anvil series, I've taken alot of time on letting this one sink in and now that I'm actually back to teaching I have time to transfer the information from notes I've scribbled a I usually do to here.

T.P. Mills “Anvil Series” Nellie

I'm a huge mid-mallet guy, I've finally started to accept the fact that they just fit my eye better so I always tend to roll them better, its just the way I am. The Nellie really has a unique take on the mid-mallet scheme of things. You get all of the classic lines you'd expect with a piece of Mills equipment with a TREMENDOUSLY ridiculous and oh so sweet high-toe effect from in hand looks but in a much more squared off appearance from address, almost maintaining a blade like appearance from the back end, it really walks a multitude of appearance lines unlike perhaps any other Mills model does. Honestly, this is the only thing that threw me a bit. The Nellie as a whole looks fantastic for sure, it just doesn't suit my eye for some strange reason like Mills other mid-mallet styles in the Huey or the Fleetwood. Bottom line though is its flat out slick looking no matter if it fits my personal eye on the course or not.

Here's a link to the first post with all of my pic's for those that have not seen them:


Solid, solid, solid. That sums it all up. But, its too solid for me personally as I'm really not a big stainless guy, again though that's all personal preference and what I'm used to. Even still though I played the piss out of this one to get a good feel for it and after getting used tot he pop of the stainless it really and truly does have a nice feel with TREMENDOUS feedback on where and how I struck each putt. I instantly knew if I was a little bit heel or toe on that particular stroke.

Having rolled and now owning two T.P. Mills carbon putters I'm going to rehash this whole thing again here that I went through with the SS Tradition II review I did a while back. My review of the Carbon Ming combined with my Carbon Tradition II at home led me to believe the Mills sound was strictly a carbon thing, after the SS Tradition II experience that changed and I edited my previous statements shown in the quote below:

I’m going to say this again very clearly. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THE SOUND OF A MILLS CARBON PUTTER! It is an entity unto its own as its such a unique type of “click” that you get from it stroke after stroke. That is NOT to say it is “clicky” as I’ve had many putters that classify as that but its just a Mills sound, my Tradition II is the same way and I love it. Its just so different on my ears. I know that’s sort of vague but hopefully others will know what I’m saying after rolling it.

I crossed out the "carbon" for the Tradition II review and the SAME DANG THING stands true for the Nellie review. I'm now 100% that the sweet Mills sound has more to do with David's pocket milling than the material as these are THE SOFTEST stainless putters I've ever rolled. So much so that I just took the plunge on a twin to my personal Huey in stainless form. The sound is impeccable and I've had MANY MANY MANY "boutique" putters if you will but none sound like a T.P. Mills.

I had the benefit with some extended time to actually take out the Nellie foe 10 rounds, after a rough start things settled in nicely as I put up rounds of 37, 36, 32, 32, 31, 33, 33, 33, 35, 32 putts in my time with it. The biggest thing I don't like about this category is that without the putter being cut down to my playing length of 33.5 or a lie adjustment to 67-68* its not fair to the putter. I can safely say many of my slight missed were due tot he length and especially the lie as I was a bit out of my putting comfort zone. Take that into account though and there's no doubt it performs even if it doesn't fit my eye on the actual green as well as some other models do.

I love the Anvil Series. T.P. Mills has a hit here, I know that in my heart, I just wish more people would get the chance or TAKE the chance to try one. You get unbelievable bang for the buck in a product that they are going to stand by thorough thick and thin. The Anvil Series is a GREAT putter series, this is still a custom Mills IMO even if you don;t get all the crazy custom stamping, same putter, same guts, same mind behind the designs. Good stuff for sure.

It was a blast to get to roll this one for such an extended period of time, as usual I cannot thank Craig enough for the chance and a MAJOR thank you to David as well!