My Instagram is flooded with the rocker board type aids. It knows :LOL:

Seriously though, I’ll be following along anyone who dives in.

Id be really curious how well they work while swinging without a ball. The closest range is 20 min from me which I recognize is first world problems compared to some, but carving out over hour on a regular basis during the week can get tough. Would rather take 20 min in the garage.
I’m interested in hearing more too.
I do the chair drill that they did at TPi, it’s good stuff!

Probably could make one, but I could also probably eff it up and hurt myself 🤣
OMG, it's only 7:51AM and I am going down a rabbit hole. LOL Is it listed as chair drill on TPI. I couldn't find it and need exactly what you are working on.

Just came off the Downshift website. On the site is a video of Rick Shiels taking a lesson from Claude Harmon. First, he shows Rick with a pressure plate that he isn't getting really the weight forward he thinks he is. Then, he uses the Downshift but he also gives Rick a ton of drills to work on getting weight forward. I was fascinated with Harmons teaching. So positive and clear.
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I went fancy and ordered the downshift
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts. I went down this rabbit hole a while back. I looked into the why golf brand but have not pulled trigger.
I forgot to mention the downshift had a much better feel and you could get a bit wider stance on it if needed.
This is exactly what I was hoping for by going this way!
OMG, it's only 7:51AM and I am going down a rabbit hole. LOL Is it listed as chair drill on TPI. I couldn't find it and need exactly what you are working on.
It’s in the chasing scratch video.
I got a Downshift board around Black Friday last year. Probably should use it more often. Well made, good grip, does what it says it will do. Been so focused on backswing changes and such with new teacher I haven't used the DSB much but I think I'll set it out and use it during practice swings more often because so much backswing work has me kind of out of rhythm and stopping at the top, no smooth transition. Board should help with that.
Any of these boards should help timing I would think. Getting that weight shift at the appropriate time just before the backswing is completed. For those that have used them will they work on grass range or do they work better on a more solid surface. I watched a video of the why golf board on you tube guy had it on grass it looked like it was pushed down into turf.
I went fancy and ordered the downshift
When do you expect it to arrive. I’m very interested. I believe the downshift or other variation of this product will help me with what Chris has me doing.
When do you expect it to arrive. I’m very interested. I believe the downshift or other variation of this product will help me with what Chris has me doing.
Should be here Friday I believe.
I've not used one. Heard and read a lot about ground force reactions in quite a few places, It's also something I need to keep working on.

I feel like you could make that Downshift board with some plywood, a few screws, a dowel rod and some grip tape for a lot less than 80 dollars?

One thing I always remember from one of the chasing scratch podcast videos was using the chair with wheels and pushing off the floor. (vid starts just before that section, but worth watching the whole thing, it's only 16 mins.
You can make one using a Stair board from Home Depot and some PVC and screws.
Should be here Friday I believe.

Anyone use, or use with their instructors, any of the different pressure boards? Really considering getting one like the Downshift as ground force and weight transfer are things I really need to work on.
Whygolf arrived today. I will use it for a few days and report results here. I'm 90% sure the weight shift is something I need to improve.
You can make one using a Stair board from Home Depot and some PVC and screws.
I wanted something more substantial. I can make a lot of things, but sometimes its best to just get one I know won't hurt me, or someone else. :LOL:
Whygolf arrived today. I will use it for a few days and report results here. I'm 90% sure the weight shift is something I need to improve.
Look forward yo your thoughts. In the fall I got some tips about weight transfer from out head pro. Worked on it before work and winter got in the way. When weight transfers properly and at the proper time I saw really good results. Both in distance and contact. Joked with the pro one day that I missed all the par 3s long in a round. Need to get back to working on that.
I wanted something more substantial. I can make a lot of things, but sometimes its best to just get one I know won't hurt me, or someone else. :LOL:
With the available 15% discount code I got a person wouldn’t save much money trying to build a quality copy. Time fuel and material.
Back when I got lesson's, I used one with my coach. His were homemade out plywood and dowel rods if I remember correctly.
I do have a new golf filming tripod coming in today.
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