Official Rant of the Day Thread

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Watch it, or she'll clean you out. And more power to her!

As the great Jeff Foxyworthy once said "If Mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy. And if she ain't happy long enough you'll be unhappy with half your stuff." :laugh:
I went to pick up my daughter this morning and she wanted me to bring the Jeep, right when we get back to our house it died. Now it won't start back up and I don't feel like messing with it. On a positive note at least it happened at the end of the driveway and it's a toy that I don't have to drive to get to work.
As the great Jeff Foxyworthy once said "If Mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy. And if she ain't happy long enough you'll be unhappy with half your stuff." :laugh:

My newest brother-in-law puts it more succinctly: Happy wife, happy life.
My newest brother-in-law puts it more succinctly: Happy wife, happy life.

Husband's brother, or sister's husband?

(I suppose husband's sister's husband would still be a b-i-l too, no?)
(I suppose husband's sister's husband would still be a b-i-l too, no?)

I don't think so Harry. I always called my ex-wife's sisters husband my brother in law, but I don't think he was. He was my ex wife's brother in law, but not mine. i think most people would consider him to be a brother in law, but if my wife's sister is my sister in law, how could her husband be a brother anything to me?

But I still called him my brother in law anyway. It's just easier.

(I did a search and found conflicting answers on this one.)
I think your spouses siblings significant other would still be a in-law.
Husband's brother, or sister's husband?

(I suppose husband's sister's husband would still be a b-i-l too, no?)

This is the fellow who married Hubby's sister a couple years back.

My rant: something wacky happened to my email, and now everything I get that's addressed to the general office inbox (on all our computers) shows up three times. When I opened Outlook this morning, I ended up with 70 emails in junk email, almost all in threes.
Just once, I'd like to eat a dinner where everyone sat still throughout the meal and used utensils to transfer their food to their mouths. Where no one sang, danced, or re-enacted some part of the day. Where no one cried. Where everyone ate some of everything that was served--and didn't complain about it.

Maybe after the kids have moved out and Hubby has died.
That is a morbid thought.
My Grade in English just went from a 87 to a 78 because i got a 70 on 1 paper. That paper happen to be worth 55% of the 4th qtr grade. I love that its my only grade below 80 as well. FML.
The NBA playoffs have been great this year and instead of keeping it steady, they decide to have a 4-5 day rest before the finals. Its crazy.
That is a morbid thought.

Ok that's weird. Right as I finished reading Claires post I thought & was going to post the exact same thing. Then I scrolled down & saw you had already posted it.
Ok that's weird. Right as I finished reading Claires post I thought & was going to post the exact same thing. Then I scrolled down & saw you had already posted it.

Well, he's not usually the one dancing.

:angry:I am surrounded by idiots and I can't make it right by myself! :angry:

Just be grateful it's too long and boring to explain.
I can't get my custodian to execute??!!

It is 55 degrees and friggin' raining outside. Normal highs for this time of year are mid-70s. My golf league has been rained out 3 of its 5 weeks so far. Today, The Kid's baseball game and Boo's golf lesson got rained out. I am so sick and tired of cold and wet.
It looked like I was finally going to stop working Saturdays at work, but now it looks like that dream will have to continue a little bit longer. I HATE working Saturdays!!! :angry::at-wits-end::angry::at-wits-end: Working Saturdays means no ladies clinic and that for me is the best practice.
When does your boss's wife come back from maternity leave?
Dent, if your back pain hasn't gone away yet, you need to go see a doctor. That's too long for simple muscle pain.
When does your boss's wife come back from maternity leave?

It was my boss who was on maternity leave. She came back a while ago but my other co-worker is 7 months pregnant so she will be leaving soon. She is a high risk pregnancy so I believe it will be bed rest for her soon, she is already working 1 day from home. I am really happy for everyone and the new additions to their families but I just want my Saturday's back! When I was hired I was told I would never have to work a Saturday, and here I am working every other one now :at-wits-end:
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