Official Golfing Weather Thread

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Hope it's nice tomorrow, playing Red Wing :)
are you part of the outing tomorrow? its supposed to be super sunny tomorrow
ill be working outside tomorrow
early morning range/carts late morning range/marshal
are you part of the outing tomorrow? its supposed to be super sunny tomorrow
ill be working outside tomorrow
early morning range/carts late morning range/marshal

No, didn't know there was one. I guess no open tee times around 11 then?
it would be a great stress reliever OG. get out and play
it would be a great stress reliever OG. get out and play

It might happen and I know for sure it will tomorrow. MaryC & Setho are coming to Monroe CC for a round Sunday afternoon!
It was beautiful out today. About 75* and sunny.
absolutely beautiful today. we teed off at 9:00AM. it was calm, clear and cool...about 55 deg. Perfect shorts & windshirt weather.

Over the course of about 2 hours it got into the high 60s-low-70s and a slight breeze picked up. Off came the windshirt. By 1:00PM, it topped out around 75 deg.

With the trees beginning to turn, and the geese forming up their south-bound squadrons, it was a picture perfect day.
Heading out today to play Lane Creek with beautiful clear skies and 71 degrees at tee time. :golf2:
its going to be awesome today... but i got way too much junk to do dangit
It was beautiful out today. About 75* and sunny.

This again today, though it was obviously a bit cold when I left at 8:15. I had my jacket off by the 3rd hole. I LOVE South Carolina.
Today 77
Tomorrow 80
Thursday 79

It is beautiful here 70s and not a cloud in the sky and I am stuck at work not able to play still Saturday! Damn work getting in the way of my golf game haha
It will be about 80 but really, really windy tomorrow. Then the colder temps come in for a few days.
It was a balmy 26 F here today. All the courses that were not already closed are now. At least it's not snowing here yet.
Our highs out here are down in the 40s now.... ugh
supposed to get to 80... im gonna try to get out there
80 again today, and this time to get to enjoy it golfing!
Snowed here today, supposed to get down to 28 tonight. Except for the occasional 50 degree day, I might be done for the season :(
It's about 80 right now, and that's the warmest it's going to be for a while. The temps are supposed to nosedive from here until 6 AM on Friday (bottoming out at 35. 48 high on Friday, 51 on the weekend. Might hit 60 again on Tuesday.
85 and beautiful!!!!!!! :)
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