Day 6 Prize - SeeMore Private Reserve Putter - 2012 Holiday Cheer Event

Congrats J4U.....thanks Seemore and THP
Congrats J4U I think your going to love this one
Congrats J4U! What a fantastic win!
Congrats J4U! Helluva prize!

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Congrats! This is a HUGE grab.
Congrats, J4U!
Congrats J4U!!!
Congrats j4u, very happy for you buddy!!!
Congrats j4u
Congrats buddy!

On my iPhone T.. T.. Tapatalking away!
Congrat's, awesome win there!!
Congrats on the win J4u! Hope you roll this baby straight and true!
Many envious putter people in this thread, J4U! Use that Seemore for good!
J4U, congrats man!!!!
Congrats J4U!

Sent from my Samsung S2 using Tapatalk 2
Congrats J4U!!
J4U is on my friend's list. So this makes me happy. Congratulations friend.

Freakin Iowa.
Congrats J4U!
Congrats dude! Awesome putter!
Congrats J4U !!! Enjoy it !
Congrats J4U!!