Should Women Be Allowed to Play Men's League?

I'd say its really up to the men. If getting the numbers up is a high priority then the obvious answer is yes. But if you are already filling up 7 of the 9 holes then you really don't have room to add many women.

There is nothing wrong with telling the women no on this one. No reason you can't start a mixed league as well. Are the men going to be allowed to participate in the women's league?

For those saying the idea of women being slower is ridiculous, I disagree. I can only speak for locally, but at my home club I do think women tend to be slower than the men. Tuesday is ladies day, and playing behind that game is TEDIOUSLY slow. Now we have plenty of fast women at our club, and even more slow men, but I have no problem saying that on average the women are slower than the men.

If the women had enough golfers to create their own league they would. And it was always the unofficial rule that women stayed off the course during men's league, and men stayed off the course during women's league. There currently is no coed league.

I'm torn. If there's not enough players for seperate leagues, my kneejerk reaction is go ahead and make it coed.
I don't know your situation, though. Is your league small or large as is? Is it competitive, or a laid-back have a few drinks sort of thing? WOULD people quit the league over this? Not because of slow play, which may not even be an issue, but because they want to drink, cuss, and just be boys for a night? We have a seperate couples/mixed night almong with 2 leagues, so the issue doesn't arise.

To me, if you don't have 2 leagues, it seems you should make it mixed and see where the chips fall. Could be great, could be bad, but you won't know until it happens.

This is related to the "Do we allow juniors in" questions. Our leagues don't, not because the juniors in question can't beat the vast majority of us, but because of some vague fear that people would corrupt them with exposure to profanity, drinking, and childish behaviour. I figure they see that in high school.

We pretend our league is competitive, but its really more about drinking and side bets. We do allow high schoolers into our league on a case by case basis. To date, no high schooler has ever been told no.

Cant see any reason why the women should not be able to play with the men as long as they can play to a similar standard. If you have ladies that can play to single figure of teen handicaps then they are not going to be any slower than the men.

I can appreciate the concerns if some of the ladies are playing of 30 plus handicaps, but otherwise can't see any issue at all.
Let the women play. Sounds like some of the "MEN" are afraid of getting their butts kicked...........
If there are enough women golfers that want to join, then get a women's league. I wouldn't go mixing the two together. Also, however unlikely, if there is a guy who isn't very good and is consistently getting beaten by a women, he might leave the league in embarrassment. I doubt it would happen, but it's possible.
In general I'd say no, then it wouldn't be a MEN'S league, but if you community is smaller and there wouldn't be enough female golfers to have their own league, maybe a coed league in in order.
In your situation, it's probably not a bad idea. League here (in a similar situation but different in its own ways) is more of a guys night out. We don't start at a given time because it's not practical basically you come out Tuesday get a round in and submit your score.

Now, here after that is when it gets tricky, as then the guys nite out stuff happens drinking, horseplay, hitting on the waitresses, that kind of stuff. It's the same for women's league as well.

The idea as a whole, as long as they play from the same tees, and play to the same stabdards/rules I have no problem with the golf aspect of it.

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I wouldn't want to play in a league with men who didn't want me. I play at a good pace and never feel like I'm slowing down the men. In fact, I feel like I'm waiting by the green more times than not for the men to get there. It's a b*tch being a woman in a man's world (golf) sometimes. Luckily for me, there are plenty of guys who enjoy women in their group.
I say yes as long as they play from the same tees as everyone else.
I say yes as long as they play from the same tees as everyone else.

I disagree. That makes it unfair for the women. They cannot hit the ball nearly as far as a man and their handicap is based from a certain tee. College and pro golfers maybe, but not the average woman.
I disagree. That makes it unfair for the women. They cannot hit the ball nearly as far as a man and their handicap is based from a certain tee. College and pro golfers maybe, but not the average woman.

Then they should have a women's league. I believe the playing field has to be fair, regardless of gender or whatever. I played against some girls in high school and they had to play from the same tees as us if they wanted to play on a boys team.
I say yes as long as they play from the same tees as everyone else.

Why? What if there are senior golfers in the league that play a tee forward, or scratch guys that play from a tee back. What's the difference if the ladies play from the forward tees or not?
Why? What if there are senior golfers in the league that play a tee forward, or scratch guys that play from a tee back. What's the difference if the ladies play from the forward tees or not?

I've never played in a league like described here (just high school), and in high school, everyone played from the same tees. I figured leagues were flighted in a way that everyone in the same flight would play the same tees.
Then they should have a women's league. I believe the playing field has to be fair, regardless of gender or whatever. I played against some girls in high school and they had to play from the same tees as us if they wanted to play on a boys team.

So, with this logic, strokes should never be given based on handicaps? I mean, that would be an unfair advantage, right?
I don't have a problem with anyone at any skill level as long as I'm not waiting for them, play fast. Also they should have to hit from the same tees, and have the skill level to hit from those tees.

The only time women on a golf course get to me is when they're on a course that is so obviously beyond their skill level in terms of distance. Which leads to unbelievable slow play. Also, that doesn't go for just women. There are 2 courses that I play on a regular basis where there is no way you're breaking 100 unless you can carry the ball at least 200 yards.
I disagree. That makes it unfair for the women. They cannot hit the ball nearly as far as a man and their handicap is based from a certain tee. College and pro golfers maybe, but not the average woman.

In rocks situation it doesn't matter since it sounds like there is only one set of tees.

In any situation where there is multiple tees, and there is a women's league but the better golfers want to play in the men's league I think it's only fair to have them play from the men's tees, unless they split tees in that group between seniors and the younger crows then let them play from the seniors tees.

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I've never played in a league like described here (just high school), and in high school, everyone played from the same tees. I figured leagues were flighted in a way that everyone in the same flight would play the same tees.

I played against a girl in HS too. But I don't remember if she played the same tees or not. But if this is not a competitive, serious league, and just a league where guys go out to play golf and have fun with the game, then I don't see why tee box should be an issue. I know there are some leagues that are ultra serious, and some that aren't.
Ok, back to answering your question instead of flying hot on the topic.

When we were at a small county course, I sometimes played with the guys in their points league on Saturday. Most of them were cool with it but I always sensed a couple were not. They got over it when I added my money to the pot. I played the ladies tees and played with the guys who enjoyed me in their group. I won a few times and lost plenty of times. There was no other league options for me and I enjoyed it a lot. I lost interest eventually because I'm not into the drinking scene and I found other ladies to play with in the area. I think the more competitive and skilled lady golfers will join but doubt the higher handicapped ladies would be interested.
I played against a girl in HS too. But I don't remember if she played the same tees or not. But if this is not a competitive, serious league, and just a league where guys go out to play golf and have fun with the game, then I don't see why tee box should be an issue. I know there are some leagues that are ultra serious, and some that aren't.

If it's just to go out and play, then I agree. I thought most leagues were flighted by tee box/handicap. Any tournament I've ever played in has been that way.
I think it all depends on the size of the club and how many men and ladies golfers there are. I would be embarrassed, for the male species, if I was in a golf association and the only lady that wanted to play competitive golf was told she couldn't join us, especially if that club did not have enough ladies players to have their own competitive (and fun) association.

But, chivalry is dead, or very close to dying.
If there are enough women interested, why dont they just do a ladies league? Then...all problems are solved.
I say yes as long as they play from the same tees as everyone else.

I disagree. That makes it unfair for the women. They cannot hit the ball nearly as far as a man and their handicap is based from a certain tee. College and pro golfers maybe, but not the average woman.

For my course, the distance that women play from is not a factor. There is only one set of tees, and the course is 2355 yards long.
If there are enough women interested, why dont they just do a ladies league? Then...all problems are solved.

He said there are only about 4 regular female golfers iirc.

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The simple answer is no. That's why it's called a MENS league.

However, the men's league should be free to make exceptions for skilled female golfers who can compete from the same tees. There's always going to be ego involved. Some men just don't want to get beat by a woman. Those guys just need to grow a pair and get over themselves.

The argument that women are slow players is crap. Novice golfers who play from incorrect tees and don't know when to pick up and move to the next hole cause slow play and that is certainly not gender specific.
For my course, the distance that women play from is not a factor. There is only one set of tees, and the course is 2355 yards long.

In that case, the women might actually have the advantage! :)
For my course, the distance that women play from is not a factor. There is only one set of tees, and the course is 2355 yards long.

Is this more of an executive style course?