What's the most hours you've worked in 1 week?

65 hours...seems like nothing compared to some of you guys, but sure seemed like a lot to me!!
Tax season hours are so long, I don't keep track. I work everyday from January 1 to April 15th without a day off. There is usually a 2 week stretch that I don't leave the office at all. I start working at 6 in the morning and finish up at midnight. I then crawl in to bed at the office and start all over again at 6 the next morning.

The good thing is that as of April 16th, I work about 15 hours a week the rest of the year.
65 last summer when I was preparing for the auditing of medical records by the government at my internship.
When I had my bread route for Sara Lee, I put in 72 one week. 65 was about the norm.
Getting paid by the hour, over 100. That was a week that another guy and I drove a truck from KC to California, dropped it off and returned with another truck. That was 1.5 days each way, that we got paid for seat time whether we were driving or not. So that in itself was 72 hours pay, plus per diem each day. Then when I got back I worked the rest of the week (4 more days at 10 hours a day) so about 112 I guess. 72 was overtime. It was a good week.

My best in a normal situation was when I worked for a printing company. 60 hours one week and 59 the next.
I worked 60 once, straight from my first day on Monday till Sunday, pulled double shifts on the weekend, and I got a fantastic overtime check
Over 100. I work for myself so that's ok with me.
I had back to back weeks pulling over 100. Believe the first week was 108 and the next was 104 of hours I put to a client code. Public accounting and it was busy season trying to get 2 public companies filed so you can only imagine. In addition it was the first year the firm I worked for had that client from another Big 4 firm.
Probably 90 hours. When I worked at Best Buy back in the late 1980's we were not allowed to take any time off between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. We would average 75 hours per week for 5-6 weeks straight. I didn't mind because we made about 3 times our normal commission because it was so busy. I think the last December I worked there I made almost $10,000 in commission pay - a ton of money back then for a bunch of guys mostly in their 20's.
50 for me at 17 years old. That was over spring break.

THPing on Tapatalk
In 2002 I was given three days to install an exhibit for Taschen publishing at the Miami beach convention center. We worked on logistics sun, mon and Tuesday for about 15 hours a day. Wednesday through Saturday at 6pm we worked around the clock to install this event for Mohammed Ali and the launch of this book. From we'd to Saturday I slept 3 hours.

We launch the event at 7pm and I crashed at midnight that night. Longest week of my life but also one of the most memorable of my career.
I used to work with a guy that had 2 full time jobs. He would work 50 hours a week for both jobs. He worked 100 hours a week for many years.
When I was trucking I was doing around 85 hrs a week. I did that for 3 years and really only saw my wife on Sundays. Once you start trucking it can be hard to get out of it. I was broke down one time and that was a 17 hr day.
I worked 7/12's for three months straight when I was in the laborers union and the pipeline came through here.
last job, first week of every month was 75-80 hours a week
I try not to track how many hours I put in so I don't get depressed on how much I get screwed being salary. I've easily broke 80 several times and possibly more than that. I don't want to think about that hahaha. I've worked two days straight with no sleep when our main file server crashed, then 12-13 hour days the rest of that week....one of the more brutal times. On the plus side of that, everyone came to work and all their files were available to them.
While working at a golf course a couple years ago me and 2 others put in 3 straight 16 hour days as we had 8 at the course and 8 landscaping the owners house for a graduation party. It was also in the low 90s that week. I think overall we put in about 70 hours that week each. Made for a great paycheck!
Having opened several stores in my retail management career, combined with the holiday seasons, I've worked quite a few heavy weeks.

Most I can think of was while salaried at Dick's. Had Labor Day weekend off, then worked every day until October getting the store ready. The first two weeks of that were 15 hour days, so a little over 100 each. Worst part is that was for mass hire. I wanted to stab someone. I may not have made minimum wage that September.
I worked 3 jobs for about 5 years, when I was young, to pay doctor bills for my kids. Worked out to 16 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Glad I get to look back at that time.

I did get Thanksgiving and Christmas off.

Hard to give an exact number, but as a teacher, during report card season, it's very easy to be at school from 8-4, come home, eat dinner, and then be working until bedtime. So easily 12 hrs per day, plus at least 8 per day on weekends. Usually lasts 1 week early in the year, and last report card at least 2 weeks.
My work is pretty regulated which is nice, but a couple summers I worked restoration/renovation, and when there were a bunch of fires or flooding, we'd pull 14 hour days for the better part of a week to keep up. I would guess somewhere in the realm of 75ish would have been my max.

I don't ever want to do that madness again.
I have put in a few 63 or 64 hour weeks but we are suppose to get sent home once you hit 60, so they don't happen too often.
In the summers during my college years we (my brothers and I) worked 7 days a week, 12 hour days for 5 straight weeks. That's 84 hours a week, over 400 hours. The only days we got off were freak rain days, wheat harvest work.

Oh, I also had some 60-70 hour weeks doing programming projects. Bonus, got overtime on those.
