5 Years Ago - THP Was Born

Happy anniversary THP! I stumbled upon this site looking for info on a driver and joining has been one of the best decision I've ever made.
THP is truly an incredible place. Amazing to see how the community has grown in a relatively short period of time. As a new member, I have really enjoyed/appreciated this site and look forward seeing what comes in the years ahead!

Thank you THP and congrats on the milestone anniversary!
Happy Anniversary THP !
Happy Birthday THP....as for all the mimicking, they say being copied is the greatest form of flattery.

Wow...5 years! That's crazy to think about.

Seeing how much THP has grown and changed in the 2+ years that I have been here has been incredible.
Happy Anniversary THP. I know myself and a lot of others have found the site through equipment reviews and now have found a lot more.

This site truly is the best by far and the people make it that way. Thank you JB, Morgan & everyone behind the scenes. #BestSiteEver
Many thanks to JB, GG and everyone else who makes this community run so well!

sweet! congrats on yet another milestone THP.
like others, i owe a lot to this place.

if nothing else, i've created some extremely awesome friendships thru this place and am eternally grateful just for that alone.

well done and let's make the next 5 even better!
Happy birthday THP!!!! :cake: What started as a search for info on irons became an obsession, a way to meet new people, a way to get great advice on golf and otherwise, a way to just chill and post about stupid stuff with buds, and a host of opportunities that I never even dreamed were possible. I'm planning on taking much more advantage of those opportunities this year, now that I really understand what this place is about - a brother/sisterhood of the best golf weirdos on the planet! Thanks JB, GG, and everyone at THP, and here's to many more years of taking chances and rocking their faces off!! :rockon:
Happy anniversary THP
WOOHOO!! Happy Anniversary :thp: So awesome this is the 1st thing I see online this a.m. and a huge smile is on my face right now; as I think what a cool thing to have in common with this golf forum website. Cheryl & I got together for 1st time 5 yrs ago..WHOA!! Congrats to you all!!
Thank you guys for building a place many of us hang our hats, I've met some great people thanks to THP and I hope the trend continues. Thanks JB and Morgan.
Love this. Great thoughts and I couldn't agree more. I have only been here roughly half if THPs existence but I can say with 100% certainty that I would not be who I am today without this place. I hope there are many many more years to go.
Love this. Great thoughts and I couldn't agree more. I have only been here roughly half if THPs existence but I can say with 100% certainty that I would not be who I am today without this place. I hope there are many many more years to go.

I am thankful to have GregDan in my life :banana:
Congrats to JB, GG, and everyone behind the scenes on this awesome milestone! I'm so happy to be a part of this community and it's amazing to see all the new things THP brings to the table.
Happy anniversary to THP! The date I remember is when the forum actually opened (well, the day after it opened, because that's when I got here!). Lots of stuff went on in the days leading up to that.

Things sure have changed here over the years.

Remember this stuff?


The THP dude guy:


And we even had a ball bouncing into the hole (it was done with flash, so I had to screen capture it a few times!)

Smalls that's awesome, thanks for sharing it.
as someone who came into this community relatively late in the game, It's hard to believe that THP has ONLY been around for 5 years. It's so well-established that it just seems like's it's been here forever and I mean that as a compliment. In the short time I've been here, I've met some really cool people and look forward to more friendships and experiences that I know will come in the future.
It has been less than a year that I started contributing/posting on this website and frankly when I first started I had my doubts about what this website would do for me. What I have found has exceeded my wildest expectations. An opportunity to learn more about golf, talk golf with people that love the game more than me (which I wasn't sure was possible) and get a chance to meet people all over the country that love to golf.

This site is incredible and I feel extremely lucky to watch it grow and be a small part of it over the last year. It is scary to think that the best for THP has yet to come.

Thank you to JB, Morgan and all others behind the scenes for creating such an incredible community. Congratulations on 5 years and here is to many, many more years of success.
Happy Birthday, congratulations on what you have created.
Congrats on 5 years! What a fantastic place and community you guys have built! I'm so glad I found it.
Allot as gone on here in 5 yrs. & the increase of people, events, prizes, giveaways, testings. Wow!!
Went & looked I've been here 4yrs 4 months. . Time sure flies.

tappin from my big as note2
Love the stroll down memory lane. I wasn't around for some of it, but it's been a joy to see the incredible changes that have happened in the two years I've been active. A huge thank you to JB/GG and all of you who make this place what it is.