Most common swing flaws

Grip Pressure
Body Tense
Proper weight transfer
Fullllll backswing
I'm going to add - way too loooooooooooong of a backswing to my list.
I'm going to add - way too loooooooooooong of a backswing to my list.
Just this week I made a concerted effort to shorten my backswing, and saw immediate improvement in ball striking.

This thread is worse than watching medical documentary. "I've got that, and that, and I definitely have that." I start lessons next week, and am actually looking forward to confirming some of my swing flaw suspicions.
OTT for sure. Sliding the hips instead of rotating.
Balance - weight to toes or back on heels

Tempo - way to quick from the top
Over the top
Strong grip
Lack of a shoulder turn
Open shoulders
(This list could go on forever)
Not in any specific order:
Over the top
Not getting my weight forward / falling back
Opening the face in the takeaway
Not turning the shoulders / all arms
Flat round the body.
Early release.
Chicken wing.

you didn't have to post all mine for me! JK, but I usually get way to flat which causes OTT and Chicken Wing. Real point of all my work at the range now.
Snatch takeaway
Poor grip
not pushing hips on downswing

Results in a slice or hook... or goes completely left rather than fade
Stopping the over the top is what I work on the most.
Too quick (tempo)
Over the top
Too much arms, not enough hip turn.
I think I could go on but those are the ones that come to mind lately.
let's see

too long of a swing
outside in swing path
not rotating hands through impact
slide to target
poor weight transfer
not keeping spine angle
too much head sway/dip
Not rotating around the spine

I have a few and I'm correcting them one by one.
Over the top
Sliding, not rotating on the downswing
Not releasing the clubhead
Inconsistent grip- I feel like I struggle gripping the club the same way throughout the round. Some days, what feels comfortable for one hole doesn't on the next.
Based on my flaws, and what I usually see in the bays around me at the range:

Poor weight transfer
All arms/no hips or legs
Tempo too fast
Flat shoulder turn

Those seem to be what end up leading to the banana slices and snap hooks from what I can see (I'm a slicer off the tee when numbers 2 and 3 work their way into my swing).
I think the biggest one I see is casting the club and coming over the top.
Head movement
No weight transfer
Using muscle over torque
Happy hands
Mine is the over the top, too steep of a club path. Chicken wing, which is a symptom of the others.

With my driver I am a serial slicer. I keep cutting across the ball. That is the next thing to work on with my instructor.

THP #theking #imwithchad
Dropping my head on the back swing then trying to bring it back up on the down swing.

This would be me. In addition, lower body rotation and too quick on the take away. Keeping my hands in so to speak as well.
I have a tendency to take to club too far inside going back and then get really steep on the way down (not quite over the top).

I also find it nearly impossible to maintain my posture (when viewed down the line) throughout the swing.

Both of these likely stem from poor flexibility and strength in my back and hips which leads to the arms and hands taking over the swing.
has to be over the top and falling back to lift the ball.

I suffer from over the top. One of my few goals for 2014.