Custom Cobra Bio Cell - Marble Finish

Oh man!!!! I would love to have a finish like that on my Bio Cell! A black/orange marble finish would be sweet but I don't know if that white/black/green combo can be beat.
Those are Noice!!! Really liking the what Cobra Golf has to offer with the Bio Cell line.
Epic. Wow.
Those look amazing!!
Very cool!
For did I miss this, and second how do I get some? Those look amazing and GREEN just happens to be my favorite color. Programs also???
I love that driver head, looks great but not distracting.
They look amazing. That green is gorgeous.
Tommy Like-e. That marble finish looks incredible, and really pops with the white outline. That there just looks soooooo good, and I'm betting it plays well too.
Those look sick. That marble finish would kinda distract me, but only because I'd forget what I was doing while looking at that finish.
They look a lot better than when I took a quick glance today on Twitter! Jaw on the floor hot! Programs eh, that whole set up is wicked sick!
That is a really sweet looking set and man I love the marble finish.
The marble finish is drop dead gorgeous. Love it!
My goodness that is freaking sweet looking. I WANT ONE :D
Those are just beautiful. Seen them on twitter and had to stop working to juat gaze.
I love that marble finish. Cobra should release that to the public.
I saw the pics on Twitter, but seeing them again, they are some pretty sweet looking clubs

Will Cobra be providing refunds for people who can't hit them due to being distracted by the marble effect on the driver.....?
I'm so jealous I simply do not have the words.

My gosh.

I have words....I will.....


Ok, so maybe not the last 3 but you get the idea. Absolutely stunning these are. Stupid jealous.
That marble is incredible, love the green as well.

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Really cool looking. Nice detail for sure. Also love how deep the green is.

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This driver would be the talk of the foursome at any course. Plus it'll perform
That finish is incredible!
Wow. Stunning looking driver.
Absolutely positively stunning. I bet they even look better in person