2015 Masters Daily Tournament Tickets Random Selection


Well its official I logged into my account and have not been given the opportunity for 2015 to buy tickets. :( Practice rounds ars still in play though.
Denied. Daily I'm ok with not getting daily, practice rounds let me take photos and such
I got rejected again. I don't get too bummed until I get the final rejection letter in July for the other rounds.
Logged in to find the rejection notice as well. Oh well, I expected that - I believe the number of tickets is incredibly low as well. Fingers crossed for practice round tickets. I'm really most interested in getting on the grounds, and then I still get to watch the whole tournament (well, what they'll show, since they want to keep the "mystique" or whatever it is by limiting coverage) on TV.
I know I'll be rejected but I don't want to log in and find out. I'll just wait for the denial email, lol.
Have yet to an email so I guess there is still hope
No email yet, so here's to hoping!!
Denial for tourney rounds received.
I haven't gotten anything yet.

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No email yet but I don't really expect to get any.
I have not gotten an email yet need to go check

Checked nothing
Logged on as well and saw where I was rejected (then dejected).
Nothing here yet either. I'm not getting my hopes up though.
Got the rejection email yesterday :(
Well, I just logged in to my account and no bueno. There is always next year.
Still no email, so I logged in to see my denial. Yay....? :banghead:
Same ole song and dance for me. Better luck next year perhaps.
Yeah just got my denial email
I logged into my account and much to my surprise my application for daily tournament was ACCEPTED!!! I never got an email
Logged into my account and no tickets:arrogant:
no email...but logged into my account and.... rejected :crying:
I logged into my account and much to my surprise my application for daily tournament was ACCEPTED!!! I never got an email

That's pretty cool...I don't remember any THPers getting the daily tournament tickets through the lottery in the past.

Alas, I was rejected.
Same...no email, but logged in and got rejection. Oh well.

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