Thoughts to not "step on the gas"


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
Cape Girardeau, MO
Yesterday I was playing with a friend and we were scrambling to get ready for an upcoming 3 man at our home course. I was hitting it somewhat inconsistent and decided about 6 holes in I was going to change my approach.

I usually try to hit my driver and irons (except wedges) fairly hard...not 100% but I give them a good effort. The problem is when I do this I pull the handle really bad and make my transition steep. The action just doesn't work for me and I don't know how to go hard at it without that pulling feel.

Anyway, I switched to taking a nice slow transition and not trying to hammer the ball from the top. I just tried to swing about 75% and put a good smooth move on it. I hit the ball so much better and making good contact. I was getting nearly the same distance as when I try to go "hammer time" from the top. This is a feel I try to keep but it gets away from me at times and always takes me time to get back to it.

What do you do to remind yourself not to kill the ball from the top? I have a hard time keeping things smooth and easy once I start flushing a lot of shots. What do you do to get a little bit more out of your swing but not get quick at the top?
The best mental image I have is that of a stereo volume knob. As the know turns, the sound gets louder. When I am on my down swing, I try to accelerate, IE make the sound louder at the bottom.

It's a mental image that I like.
There is no secret to swinging easy. It takes reps and a conscious effort until it becomes second nature. Also this new swing is your 100%, your old swing was way more and caused all sorts of issues. Just keep at the new tempo and you will see better results because of solid contact.
Yesterday I was playing with a friend and we were scrambling to get ready for an upcoming 3 man at our home course. I was hitting it somewhat inconsistent and decided about 6 holes in I was going to change my approach.

I usually try to hit my driver and irons (except wedges) fairly hard...not 100% but I give them a good effort. The problem is when I do this I pull the handle really bad and make my transition steep. The action just doesn't work for me and I don't know how to go hard at it without that pulling feel.

Anyway, I switched to taking a nice slow transition and not trying to hammer the ball from the top. I just tried to swing about 75% and put a good smooth move on it. I hit the ball so much better and making good contact. I was getting nearly the same distance as when I try to go "hammer time" from the top. This is a feel I try to keep but it gets away from me at times and always takes me time to get back to it.

What do you do to remind yourself not to kill the ball from the top? I have a hard time keeping things smooth and easy once I start flushing a lot of shots. What do you do to get a little bit more out of your swing but not get quick at the top?
I notice that i can acually hit it farther when i don't swing 100%
Yeah at times I hit it even further and sometimes slightly shorter but overall impact is so much better. I think I just need to keep the preshot thought of "no violence" in the swing. I think I heard that from Hal Sutton on Golf Academy
Generating clubhead speed with consistency isn't about strength or effort, if it was, pros would look like linebackers. Football requires a LOT of strength and effort.

In golf, the proper sequence, technique, strength, flexibility, coordination and rhythm all play a role. You have to have all of it to consistently hit a golf ball.

The good news is that you don't need to be the strongest guy out there, nor do you need to give it "100%" to generate clubhead speed.

If 80% effort gives you great technique, sequencing, timing, rhythm and coordination, it's going to be better than swinging at 100% and losing in all of the other areas.

Mentally, I just try to remember "timing, it's all about timing". It's keeps me from getting a little tight and trying to generate speed with strength.
I notice that i can acually hit it farther when i don't swing 100%

I agree. Same for me. I go at about 85 to 90% on all shots and they go as far as those that are all out. It is not all about swinging as hard as possible.
My swing thought is accelerate at my hip. Keeps me from yanking down.
I just think of senior citizens and I usually hit the ball better and more consistently. The experienced seniors of the game and how wise they are about hitting the ball consistently helps me take it easy. I leave the hard swinging for baseball players. It has no place in golf. Harder doesn't mean further.
A good friend of mine calls it the double hitch. Take that away and it's good to go! I.E. don't reach back for more...such a game changer (well there are quite a few provide by Kong as well). First tension and start the transition...feels so much better as are the results. Keeps the body out of going after it if you will for me.
My swing thought is accelerate at my hip. Keeps me from yanking down.
I think Tiger, in his book How I Play golf, has an illustration of the club falling down from the about hip height, and he indicates that's his acceleration point. So let gravity take the club to hip height, and accelerate from there.
I focus more on good placement of the ball on the first drive!!! I find not trying to pound the ball gives me better control!!! After that the short game is where my bread and butter is made!!! I still tell my Buddies that was a long drive as they go look at a bad lie, and even though mine was shorter I had better access to the green. In Golf it's Location, Location ,Location!!! LOL!!!
I carry a course yardage book that they sell. I dont use it for yardages, I have notes and thoughts to remind myself before each shot. Makes it impossible to forget to slow down and play smarter.

Capitalism: God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor!
Mine is actually more of a clubbing issue. I try not to under club and it helps a ton
I try to visualize a pro that has good tempo and a nice controlled swing (ie. most of em). A couple years back I watched Fred Couples warm up at a local pro/am and ever since I stand over the ball and tell myself "Freddy C".
Great advice in this thread already. It really is all about reps, but what Wicked Cool Bearded Man said can be a huge help to staying in that zone. If you feel like you need to hit a club really hard to get the result you want, take more club and stay in the comfort zone.