Do you love golf too much?


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
Montague, MA
Have you ever thought you could love golf too much? I guess I have, I was playing 4-5 times a week last summer and practiced almost every other day. Sadly, I became burnt out on golf and actually almost started to hate what I once loved. My swing on my short irons was hooking too much and I could'nt fix it, putting woes after dropping too much cash on a new putter. The burden of unreal expectations and putting too much pressure on myself. After a long break of almost a year, I just can't stay away any longer. I have eased myself back slowly and discovered my swing is in decent shape. I now know for me and my golf game I have to take it slow, ease off the pressure and really just enjoy golf and not grind so much. I am curious if any others had this problem?
I love golf again maybe not quite as much as before, but were going to take our time now, anyway it's great to be back on THP! Let me know if anyone experienced anything similar.
At home commitments keep me in balance.
I think it's safe to say that I love golf a little too much. My wife deserves better and more of my time but dammit I feel like I'm always one round or range session away from FINALLY figuring it out.
I think it's about finding balance. I think it's also about mental well being. My time on the golf course, or practicing, is therapy for me. When I figured out how to enjoy every part of golf, it became almost impossible for me to get burned out.

Then try breaking a bone, not picking up a club for 86 days, and missing out on THP events like the Seemore, Ocean City, and Morgan Cup Events. I'm burned out from NOT playing golf.
Not having ankle biters, I mean kids helps a bit.
I used to. I would put golf in front of everything, my quest to shoot in the 90's, then 80's, then 70's, then 60's lol was a mission. I don't have that drive anymore and I miss it terribly. I lived at the range everyday from 5 til 10 pm 5 days a week and played every Saturday and Sunday, hell I played in a dang blizzard lol and when I lived in Vermont I would get up early in the winter and drive to Maryland play 18 cause there was no snow on the ground and then turn around and drive back to Vermont lol,If you love the game, let it take you wherever you want to go, enjoy the journey, it's a grand one.
I used to. I would put golf in front of everything, my quest to shoot in the 90's, then 80's, then 70's, then 60's lol was a mission. I don't have that drive anymore and I miss it terribly. I lived at the range everyday from 5 til 10 pm 5 days a week and played every Saturday and Sunday, hell I played in a dang blizzard lol and when I lived in Vermont I would get up early in the winter and drive to Maryland play 18 cause there was no snow on the ground and then turn around and drive back to Vermont lol,If you love the game, let it take you wherever you want to go, enjoy the journey, it's a grand one.
This is the key. Finding a way to enjoy the journey is the difference between loving this game, and playing this game.
Definitely maybe.
Too much? Probably.

Able to balance it? Definitely.
Love is a strong word. I ENJOY the heck out of playing golf, and would miss it if I had to give it up, but can't honestly say I love it.
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I am retired and play 3 to 5 rounds per week. I would play more but my wife thinks I play too much. I do try to temper it though, just this morning one of my buddies called and wanted me to meet him at the course, because I have played 3 straight days and been playing a lot lately I declined. Of course she was sitting in the den when I answered the phone and said, "I bet he wants to play golf" when I saw the caller ID. She looked like she was hoping that I would not go so by reading her body language I sat out the round this morning.

Gotta keep mama happy!
I think it's safe to say that I love golf a little too much. My wife deserves better and more of my time but dammit I feel like I'm always one round or range session away from FINALLY figuring it out.
That's me. Every day I think today is the day I shoot par. Then I post a 90.
Between school, work and other commitments I have a fair balance wish I could play 1-2 more times a month. I love golf but know I can't get obsessed with it.
I have a lot of commitments, but still allot a few hours a day for me. I have to say right now that I probably love golf too much. Whenever my free time comes around I always end up at the range. I haven't been to the gym in a long time and would probably be in the best shape of my life if I would go because of how much I've changed physically though diet and what little exercise I get through golf. I just don't enjoy working out, and I enjoy golf.

Even when I try to use my time for something other than golf I find a way to stop by a golf store, or go out in the backyard to chip around or use a training aid for 30 min to an hour.

I try to play once a week, and don't always get to. When I get to a single digit handicap I may cut back on range time and spend more time in the gym. Though I'll probably just do golf related exercises.
You tell me. I spend probably 60 to 70 hours a week at the course, get paid for 35-45 of it and my only regular play is nine holes on Wednesday evening for league. Luckily my "real" job affords me the leeway to work at it as needed.
I think it's possible to overdo it but I haven't hit that point yet. My wife usually keeps me in check due to costs and work since we have our own business.
Nope, I do not love golf too much.....uhm, well not a chance....wait....what was the question ?
To the OP. Isn't that why you started golfing?? Love of the game and the fun of it? Why Ever try to stray from that. I know it took me years of being away to remember that. All I can say is golf has given me a place to forget my problems and just relax and enjoy the little things. I wish I would have realized that sooner. So to answer. No never to much love of the game. Yet you can focus to much on what shouldn't matter in the game, I.e. Score, equipment, not having a good time and caring about only winning. My thoughts are. The people that created the game created it for fun. So have the fun the true love of the game just don't let it consume you in a pursuit to be better than everyone else. Just play your game and as long as you are enjoying it, you can't love the game to much. My 2 cents
Musicmaster just summed up my new attitude, I'm just having more fun now. I know if I put less pressure on myself the scores will lower. One thing I forgot to mention in the OP was spending too much time on the range was really messing up my swing. I mixed up my practice range routine to mimic real golf shots then just pounding 50 drivers and 100 pw in a row.
I could, and would play and practice WAY more than I do now, if given the chance. However, my wife and two kids wouldn't see me as much...and they don't see me a lot now anyway, due to work. So that's why I don't "love golf" more than I do.
I've told Fiancè that if we ever hit the lottery I'm going to do everything I can to make it on tour. Haha
Being so busy lately it makes me miss it but I I think I could play everyday and still miss it. Is that over loving?
Probably yes, lately I've been getting frustrated similar to the OP, but the season here only lasts 6 months or so, so at the same time I feel like I have to get out as much as possible before it starts snowing. I would love to be able to find a job in golf somehow, but I'm not much good playing it, so that kind of limits my options. How do you get a job carrying a microphone or whatever on the course for CBS at tournaments?
Probably a little too much. Other than work, it is what I do most. My situation - no kids, no wife. Allows me to play anytime I want to! GF started playing, so she understands also.
Like others, for me it's balancing time to play with time with my fiance.

In 19 years she has told me maybe twice that I can recall, that she'd rather I didn't play when I brought it up that I was going to make plans for an upcoming day. So as a result, I don't take advantage of that and plan to play every weekend, anymore like I did when I was single.

Also my job and health have cut into the amount I've played the past few years. My previous job I would often work weekends, holidays and long hours probably 70 hours a week. So when I did have a weekend or holiday free, I often didn't want to take time away from us to play. But I was flexible enough with my job that I could often play in the morning before going in, or even sneak out early at 2:00 to get an afternoon round in.

Now I'm in an Mon-Friday 8-5 type atmosphere. Combine my most recent knee injuries with the old injuries, I just haven't felt healthy enough to play a lot this year. So when I do get the chance I enjoy it and have the full support of my fiance.

Hopefully 2015 will be a healthier and more stable year and involve lots more golf...especially with THP'ers!!