The Official Banter Away Thread

We are under attack again!!!
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor??? LET'S GOOOOOO
Guess Banter thread is as good as any to ask where all the Chinese posts are coming from. Not fluent myself.
I knew I should have taken Mandarin in high school.
This was quick work @MWard
Wardy to the rescue!!
One of those jokers has got 109 threads started tonight!
Looks like another spammer starting again...
I just posted my carry distance to an answer of “how far do you carry your driver?” Now I’m looking forward to all the trolls telling me I’m full of it. Its 271 yards right now and I’m very confident that number is accurate since it’s based on the last 10 rounds - all played on saturated courses, so the ball either plugs or hits and hops back 1’ or so.