CONTEST 2020 THP Post Drive with BIG Prizes!

Gonna do this.,
Right now! 1k done!
And only 38 away from 1000 for the two-month contest period. 38 posts shy of joining the 1k club! You can do this!
I love seeing all of you crush past the 1k mark.. Dan, can we get an update??
I didn't think I would make it to 2k but now that I crossed 1800 and didn't even realize it, I might just have a shot. Yay leap years! :)
I didn't think I would make it to 2k but now that I crossed 1800 and didn't even realize it, I might just have a shot. Yay leap years! :)
You've got this, let's go!!!
Over the 800 mark, 2 days to try and reach 900.
I love seeing all of you crush past the 1k mark.. Dan, can we get an update??
I know Scorpion12 and Big Dill both made the 1k club!
Still at 92 in the 500 club
Creepin' up on it

I gave up on 2K a while back, but you guys are killing it. If the ones that are close to their goal need another hot thread to get there throw out some ideas. I'll play the bad guy for ya.


Old people are the actual pace of play problem.
We should do away with public courses.
We pay to play, not fix pitch marks.
No more alcohol so it's more youth friendly.
Short knockers should have to pay extra.
Ban all milkshakes.

I'm available.
Wow people are crushing it.... Way to go you still have time for posts!
About a week ago I was really sweating it, but I made the breakthrough and now locked the cruise control in. Not sure I could stand another post count contest! :cool:
Lots of activity today remember to get that content up!
Well, my friends... We might just be coming up short on my 100 goal.

151 members in the 250 club.
93 members in the 500 club.
43 members in the 1k club.
1 member in the 4k club.
but 43 made 1000
some made 1250, and tomorrow is stil February
some made 1250, and tomorrow is stil February
You are sooo right! I'm going for 1,500 still... Tall task but I have 30k posts to read
Well, my friends... We might just be coming up short on my 100 goal.

151 members in the 250 club.
93 members in the 500 club.
43 members in the 1k club.
1 member in the 4k club.
Effing BOO.