SWAG Putters Thread

Thanks for the info guys.

Just received one off ebay, I got for $160. I guess I did alright. I bought it to game, but now it's got me thinking.

Would fit well in the current rotation.

Man, are we just going to move past this?
Hahaha! It’s a legendary cover. One I tried to track down for a long time.

So this arrived today.
anyone here anything on CotM? probably a little delayed with covid I'm guessing
anyone here anything on CotM? probably a little delayed with covid I'm guessing
Nothing yet. I know EP was/is essentially shut down so it might be a bit.
That SWAG putter in the BST section had me trying to find a second/third/fourth job. Not going to lie, SWAG may be out of my price range, but I'll live vicariously through you guys.

Im so effin exciteeeeeeddddd!
I need this!
Yeah that’s a must have for me!!!!!!
Might have a good chance to be their highest production cover. I don't get it though. 🤷‍♂️
One of the first covers I've seen from them that make me think about pulling the trigger.
I'll be making a run on that defaced mallet cover. :)
Yeah that’s a must have for me!!!!!!
Yup. The OG is one of the best covers they’ve ever done. This will be had. EFFING amazing.
I was hoping for a little more from SWAG on this one (maybe neon defaced?), but preorder again is cool
Was kind of hoping they would deface the other presidents, but I like the black version. Since I don't have the OG cover I will probably pre-order this one.
I’m probably in the very small minority here but I never understood the hype for the defaced covers
So you won’t have to race to the cart? You’ll be able to preorder?

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