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  • Hey buddy.

    For up close pics, use the MACRO function on your camera, It wont come out blurry!!
    Was wondering if you'd like to play in a 4 man scramble charity tournament in June? I was thinking it would be fun to get 4 of us from THP together as a team.
    The date is June 10th, it's $95 per person and it's to benefit a scholorship fund for Colorado Coaches of Girls Sports.

    Let me know,

    I want to thank you again for the Chip. How do i send you some rep? Never done it.

    Also I see your a Fly Fisherman. Very cool. I started a thread asking how many Fly Fisherman we had but not many responses. Have you started doing any fishing yet this year? Its almost time here for me.
    well I should have some new pics to post up here soon to replace the one to the left. The Team Shankapatamous is heading up to the mountains to play in our annual contest again on the ninth. The course up there is absolutely beautifull with stunning scenery. Yes we will be wearing our shorts!
    btw, we have something in common. i worked in corrections too before retiring a couple years ago.
    thanks for accepting! i figured i need to get to know some of the folks going to FL in the fall. :)
    Congrats on your big win!!! :clapp: Good luck in your tournament as well, may your new winnings bring you much luck :)
    Hey when is your surgery scheduled for? Hope everything goes well and you are back on the course soon.
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