Chest for sure
Polos I prefer the sleeve. Q-Zips or anything long sleeve however I prefer the chest logo.
Chest as long as it is a small logo.
Chest is good but many of my nike are sleeve. Doesn’t matter to me tbh.
I'll take a bit of both.
Depends on the apparel I suppose. Something thicker, put it on the chest. Something thinner, on the sleeve.
More times than not I prefer logo on the chest, but I'm not opposed to a sleeve logo if the shirts is nice enough
Chest id my preference, left side pocket area, without pockets
I go back and forth, but chest is the leader for me right now. Having a logo front and center does bring back memories from the course.
Depends on the logo but mostly I prefer left chest area
left chest or left sleeve or both
I normally prefer the logo on the sleeve.
I like chest more than sleeve.