Get a Grip - Favorite iron grip of all time?

GP MCC Plus 4
Golf Pride MCC +4
When I was playing more, and my hands were tougher, I loved the Golf Pride Cord, the original one before the BCT.
It might just be the new Golf Pride MicroSuede.
Still the tackimac IT2... absurdly sticky, and comfortable
Golf Pride MCC Align +4. Now if they only made them in other colours...
Lamkin UTx
Either the MCC Cord Aligns or the Z Cord Aligns. I'm leaning to the Z Cord Aligns for now.
It might just be the new Golf Pride MicroSuede.
What's the final verdict on these for wet conditions?
Z cord align.
Ive played the Golf Pride NDMCs for many years. Trying the Aligns with my wedges as that seems to be the newer version
The original Lamkin Performance Plus cord with the Tour Velvet BCT a very close second
For me it’s between tour velvet and z-grip cords.

I’m not a fan of the design of the MCC lines. I like a more uniform look. I install either of the two I like with the logo down or go with 360’s in the Tour velvet.

I’d really like a Tour velvet 360 cord grip. And all black - no white lines around either end of the grip.
Right now just the Golf Pride tour velvet cord. That's until/if they ever release Henrik Stenson's Wrap cords that they only make for him.
Z grip for me, just mad it took so long to try it!
GP MCC +4 is my favorite plus Lots of color options.
I'd also go with early UTx Cord.

I feel the same way, so maybe we are both crazy?

I notice it too... I'm actually contemplating full Crossline Cords next time just to mix it up
tour velvet ribbed...….Love me the rib....Have swung a buds XXIO hybrid which has a crazy nice ribbed grip. Like twice the depth of rib of a tour velvet...But can't seem to locate them independent.
SuperStroke Cross Comfort for me, I just wish they were in more colors.
MCC Aligns for me.
My current grip is the Superstroke across Comfort. Don’t think they are quite a on the level of best grip of all time however.