Golfer's Message to Himself


Active member
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Just finished reading this at
It really puts this great game we all love into perspective...

"Dear Younger Me :

I can’t play golf anymore. I tried to swing the club the other day, but my body wouldn’t cooperate. The best I can do now is sometimes take walks on the course, but my eyes aren’t as good as they used to be so I don’t see much. I have a lot of time to sit and think now, and I often think about the game.

It was my favorite game. I played most of my adult life. Thousands of rounds, thousands of hours practicing. As I look back, I guess I had a pretty good time at it. But now that I can’t do it anymore, I wish I had done it differently.

It’s funny, but with all the time I spent playing golf, I never thought I was a real golfer. I never felt good enough to really belong out there. It doesn’t make much sense, since I scored better than average and a lot of people envied my game, but I always felt that if I was just a little better or a little more consistent, then I’d feel really good. I’d be satisfied with my game. But I never was. It was always "One of these days I’ll get it" or "One day I’ll get there" and now here I am. I can’t play anymore, and I never got there.

I met a whole lot of different people out on the course. That was one of the best things about the game. But aside from my regular partners and a few others, I don’t feel like I got to know many of those people very well. I know they didn’t really get to know me. At times they probably didn’t want to. I was pretty occupied with my own game most of the time and didn’t have much time for anyone else, especially if I wasn’t playing well.

So why am I writing you this letter anyway, just to complain? Not really. Like I said, my golfing experience wasn’t that bad. But it could have been so much better, and I see that so clearly now. I want to tell you, so you can learn from it. I don’t want you getting to my age and feeling the same regrets I’m feeling now.

I wish, I wish. Sad words, I suppose, but necessary. I wish I could have played the game with more joy, more freedom. I was always so concerned with "doing it right" that I never seemed to be able to enjoy just doing it at all. I was so hard on myself, never satisfied, always expecting more. Who was I trying to please? Certainly not myself, because I never did. If there were people whose opinions were important enough to justify all that self-criticism, I never met them.

I wish I could have been a better playing partner. I wasn’t a bad person to be with, really, but I wish I had been friendlier and gotten to know people better. I wish I could have laughed and joked more and given people more encouragement. I probably would have gotten more from them, and I would have loved that. There were a few bad apples over the years, but most of the people I played with were friendly, polite, and sincere. They really just wanted to make friends and have a good time. I wish I could have made more friends and had a better time.

I’m inside a lot now and I miss the beauty of the outdoors. For years when I was golfing I walked through some of the most beautiful places on earth, and yet I don’t feel I really saw them. Beautiful landscapes, trees, flowers, animals, the sky, and the ocean – how could I have missed so much? What was I thinking of that was so important – my grip, my back swing, my stance? Sure, I needed to think about those sometimes, but so often as to be oblivious to so much beauty? And all the green – the wonderful, deep, lush color of green! My eyes are starting to fail. I wish I had used them better so I would have more vivid memories now.

So what is it that I’m trying to say? I played the type of game that I thought I should play, to please the type of people that I thought I should please. But it didn’t work. My game was mine to play, but I gave it away. It’s a wonderful game. Please, don’t lose yours. Play a game that you want to play. Play a game that gives you joy and satisfaction and makes you a better person to your family and friends. Play with enthusiasm, play with freedom. Appreciate the beauty of nature and the people around you. Realize how lucky you are to be able to do it. All too soon your time will be up, and you won’t be able to play anymore. Play a game that enriches your life.

Best wishes . . . don't waste a minute of golf . . . someday it will be gone!

Wow. Thanks for posting that. I have a feeling, (or hope at least), golf will have a different meaning to me in the future and I will try to enjoy myself more.
Well, that was touching. I don't want to end up like that. I want to be the guy who is 94 and still playing
Well, that was touching. I don't want to end up like that. I want to be the guy who is 94 and still playing

Somehow I didn't really focus on his physical ailments, rather it made me think I should be enjoying this game more instead of worrying so much about my score, swing, etc...
Very cool post Rafdo. That is something to take to heart for sure.
I'm afraid that will be me one day. Every hobby/sport I've taken up in my life my only drive was the be "better". Better than who? Who knows, just better. Once I got good at any of them, won some races, tournaments, shoot offs, whatever I gave it up and looked for a new challenge to drive myself nuts over.

I don't think I'll even be good enough at this one to move on so I'll probably drive myself nuts trying just like this old guy says he did.
Cool makes you sit back and think about reseting your priorities in life. Kinda of like my first round of golf ever i didnt care how i looked or played it was just fun to be out there..
Thanks for that. You could actually substitute the word "life" for "golf" and it would make just as much sense.
That was some excellent food for thought.
Inspirational and thoughtful for sure.
Thanks for posting, makes one think for sure!
I feel like I've been sitting in church listening to the sermon and everything the preacher said seemed like he was talking directly to me. That was a gut check for sure. Thanks for posting that. Definitely needed to read that.
That was a terrific read! Thanks for posting. I feel I am lucky enough to have kind of realized this same view in the last couple years. Playing competitive golf as a junior and then in college, the game became a job, a chore. It wasn't as fun as it had used to be when I would go and sneak in as many holes in as I could before dark with my dad and brother. It was something I did to get exercise, meet people and enjoy nature. It became shooting a number, mechanics, limited mistakes, over thinking. Now that I am no longer competitive, my handicap is up about 6 or 7 from where it was, and I am happy with pars rather than disappointed in them....The game is more enjoyable. It is fun to have fun. My scores aren't what they were but my experiences and memories are better than ever.

I love this game of golf, I think we all do if we are a part of this forum. Sometimes we get caught up with scores, or equipment, or others peoples perceptions....This is a great way to realize... take a step back, golf is a GAME, have fun, play for yourself whatever level that is. Enjoy it because it could leave you in an instant. ENJOY that next round you play!
Wow, just wow.
Live and learn.

Thanks for posting rafdo. I think that is a very good look at many golfers including myself. I have had rounds that I know I was not the most enjoyable person to be around. That is not what this game is about for me, so why not go out and enjoy being on the course with some good people and have some fun.
Great post and definitely something to think about.As I have gotten older (61), I have changed some of my thoughts and one of them is that I try not to take things too seriously anymore.This is especially true in my golf.I still don't like taking a double or triple bogey,but I try to not let it bother me as much.It is just nice to get outside and enjoy the day with my fiends.