Increasing Distance - "Fix your Body, Fix your Swing"


Well-known member
Albatross 2024 Club
Mar 25, 2012
Reaction score
MN and FL
I bought this book couple weeks ago now that I'm only a year away from my 50th birthday. I have not lost very much distance over the years and would call my self an average length hitter for my index but I've been on a fitness kick the last month or so and figured it couldn't hurt to look at some specific golf exercises.

The book gives you a series of simple flexibility/balance tests that can be done in just a couple minutes to identify where you body may be weak/out of balance. I failed about half the tests(the closed eye balance test was interesting) and started doing the recommended exercises every other day for 15-20 minutes each session. After only 5 of these sessions I have seen impressive distance gains. I've played 2 rounds at my home course in the past few days and hit my longest tee shots ever on about 6 of the holes. And no, I don't have any new club in my bag - same old 3 wood and driver and there was almost no wind for these rounds. I would say I'm about 12-15 yards longer with my 3 wood and driver and a half a club longer with my irons. I was not short off the tee or weak physically before - I'm 6' tall and weigh 180 lbs with a 32 inch waist and to give you a reference, I carry my weak lofted 7 iron 170 yards and my 4 iron 210 yards. Yesterday I hit my 3 wood on a par 5 as long as I had ever hit my driver on that hole. I rarely hit my 3 wood more than 255 yds in the past and yesterday I hit 6 out of 9 3 wood tee shots farther than that. I'm really looking forward to continuing these exercises and see how much distance I can gain -it's been shocking how increasing my flexibility and strength in my hips/shoulders and my balance just a little bit has helped.

Highly recommend this book for everyone. The author works with Jason Duffner and other prominent pros on tour so his credentials are solid. I imagine it could help others as much or more than it has helped me.
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Good find. I may look into this
Thanks for the info

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I'm actually quite shocked at the distances I'm getting off the tee as I have not made any real swing changes in 30 years. I have been a scratch golfer since high school and assumed my swing was as efficient as it could get. What I found after performing the flexibility tests from the book as I definitely didn't have the necessary flexibility in my shoulders, hips, and torso to maximize my power. I believe the extra 12-15 yards is because my shoulder turn has increased and so has my shoulder strength/flexibility. Worth the 1 hour a week that it takes to perform these simple exercises.
Thanks for the info. Already purchased. Now that I've crossed the 4-oh, I know I really need to get my fitness act together before it is too late.
Who is the author as I can't seem to find it on the UK amazon site ....?

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I'll have to check that out. Thanks.
Thanks for the tip, I've done TPI exercises but there's always something you can do more, better or differently. I'll check this out!
This is honest to goodness very intriguing to me.
I put this one on my Kindle this weekend, will post my thoughts after I finish the book. I have horrible flexibility in my hamstrings and quads, so this one appeals to me.
I put this one on my Kindle this weekend, will post my thoughts after I finish the book. I have horrible flexibility in my hamstrings and quads, so this one appeals to me.

I'm about to do the same
I ordered the hard copy from Amazon. My Nexus7 is acting strangely, so I decided not to download.
Downloading tomorrow to the Kindle as I forgot it at my office. Seems like what I've been looking for from the TPI youtube channel but never really got. Nice find!

typo's courtesy of Samsung Galaxy S4 autocorrect... Enjoy!
Interesting, as I am pushing 50 as well.
I don't have the time to dedicate to go to the gym as I used to have. I have noticed my swing speed with driver has dropped about 5 mph from 2 years ago. This is very intriguing to me given the time requirements. thanks for the thread Tahoe!
Book club time!

Read the intro stuff last night, I love biomechanics talk as a former coach and this is pretty cool as he breaks it down the easy to understand way and a decent bit of the scientific way. Going to start in tonight by doing all the assessments. I'm pretty excited.
I did the flexibility tests this morning. I was good with the shoulder flexibility and lower body rotation, but the upper body rotation and pelvis mobility exercises weren't that great. Don't even get me started on the balance test, I failed that miserably. Looks like I have some work to do.
Well that sounds like a good read. I'm going to take a look. Thanks!!

**Just ordered on Amazon. $10 and free two day delivery thanks to my brother's Prime membership
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Decided to pull the trigger on this one and Hogan's Five Fundamentals (every golfer should own this one). Going to try the assessment tomorrow AM before my workout.

I have worked with both of these this off season. They get my recommendation. The change your body book keeps it simple. I don't know if you are going to do at the gym or at home but you can easily do these at home as long as you have resistance bands and a medicine ball

Proud Member of #TeamParadise
managed to find this for my kindle so will start with the tests...thanks for the heads up guys looks like a very useful book :clapp:
Put this one on my Kindle after tahoebum's initial post about this book. I skimmed it the other night and looks like some solid guidance. Nothing too out there either. I think most of us could stand to gain some flexibility.
I need to look into this as I know my flexibility is terrible and who doesn't like improvement and more yardage.