LoneWolf Checking In


New member
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
Hello THP folks.

Just thought I'd drop a quick check-in post to let you all know a bit about me.

I'm living up in the beautiful Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada and our golf season is just getting ready to start. I think a few courses are open but most are waiting for the grass to get a bit of a start.

I love golf and don't get to play anywhere near enough of it. I usually shoot in the high 90's or low 100's on a typical championship course. I haven't calculated my handicap in a while (I do it myself using the USGA formula -- my bad 8=) but it would be mid to high 20's I think.

I love to play golf whether I'm by myself, with my friends or paired up with complete strangers. I write a golf blog called Howls that I'm really enjoying.

I am a self employed computer programmer, web master, trainer although I've had some trouble of late finding contracts. It gives me more time for golf, but less funds -- catch 22! So I spend more time working on my blogs (I have 2 others) and other sites that I'm working on.

My other interests include reading, writing (children's fiction mostly), ball hockey and working in the "yard" (We live on a 100 acre forested lot).

I am a follower of Jesus (but don't worry, I don't get pushy about that -- at least not all the time 8=) and I have a wonderful wife and 2 beautiful children.

If you want to find out more about me feel free to ask!

Bill (aka LoneWolf)
Welcome! I'm from Manitoba. Almost all of our courses are open, I'm surprised to hear only a few are open where you live.
Welcome to THP Bill!
Welcome to THP.
Welcome to THP, Bill!
Welcome, Lone Wolf. Have fun here.
Some of the courses try to get open earlier, but the grass has just started growing this past week and the ground has been pretty soft. I expect everyone will be open by the end of this week though.

Keep it in the short grass!
No, it's not. Excuse me while I go post.
Welcome to THP!!! :)
Welcome to THP
Nice to meet you! I am new here, too!
Welcome to THP LoneWolf....you're going to LOVE it here!!

Just curious.....how did you stumble across THP?