More Sociological than Political…so I hope is okay for discussion

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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Somewhere on the back nine of life
I'm a staunch believer that ALL women's sports should be protected from this, without exception. I'll leave it at that. Kudos to the NXXT Tour for having some common sense.
The same people who claim that there isn't any physical advantage can't explain why transgender men have not frequently been participating in mens sports. Or, worse, they'll claim that at the start, a female's smaller physical stature and weaker musculature/skeletal structure prior to transition would make it more challenging. Well, yeah... in reverse, that's the exact reason why transgender women hold significant advantage over biological women.

To each his or her own, but the advantage was built-in through chromosomes and certainly through puberty. Enough with the nonsense already. Young girls and women have been physically harmed.
I'm a staunch believer that ALL women's sports should be protected from this, without exception. I'll leave it at that. Kudos to the NXXT Tour for having some common sense.
100% agree with this.
No women “transition“ to male and compete against men.
Very telling.
As a girl dad of a 9 year old I feel like this topic is sane vs insane and not political.

I also don’t feel like you need to be a parent let alone a girl dad to recognize this.
I'm a staunch believer that ALL women's sports should be protected from this, without exception. I'll leave it at that. Kudos to the NXXT Tour for having some common sense.
100% agree!!! I’ll leave it at that. Sad place where society is now.
The same people who claim that there isn't any physical advantage can't explain why transgender men have not frequently been participating in mens sports. Or, worse, they'll claim that at the start, a female's smaller physical stature and weaker musculature/skeletal structure prior to transition would make it more challenging. Well, yeah... in reverse, that's the exact reason why transgender women hold significant advantage over biological women.

To each his or her own, but the advantage was built-in through chromosomes and certainly through puberty. Enough with the nonsense already. Young girls and women have been physically harmed.
Agree 100%. There are skeletal, muscular, and cardio advantages that are a result of male puberty and over 3000 gene differences between men and women at birth. Transgender women retain all of those skeletal advantages and some of those muscular and cardio advantages even after years of hormone therapy.

So much harm is done to women by allowing transgenders competing in their sports and it needs to stop. It’s good to see the NXXT Tour get it right.
Not for me to decide what another should do with their body. To allow that person to participate in an event when they have physical advantages brought on by medical alterations is unfair to the other participants.
No women “transition“ to male and compete against men.
Very telling.
In all reality, they couldn’t if they want to as the drugs they take to help with the transition would be considered performance enhancing. They’d be out on doping alone.
I'm a staunch believer that ALL women's sports should be protected from this, without exception. I'll leave it at that. Kudos to the NXXT Tour for having some common sense.
Agreed 100% 👍🏼
I'm a staunch believer that ALL women's sports should be protected from this, without exception. I'll leave it at that. Kudos to the NXXT Tour for having some common sense.
All there is to say on it.
I can’t think of a better way this tour could have handled this. They consulted the other tours, polled their own membership, gave it a try, observed what would have been an obvious advantage over the other tour member's, and corrected on the descision. Defiantly the long way to go about it, but now there’s a real life example/experiment to base future decisions on.
100 % agree. At birth women only in women's sports. Sad it took so long to come to this position by the governing bodies.
Men’s category, women’s category and others. It’s the simplest solution I can see. Someone just needs to put the third category organization together.
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As a girl dad of a 9 year old I feel like this topic is sane vs insane and not political.

I also don’t feel like you need to be a parent let alone a girl dad to recognize this.

I have a 6yr old daughter and 4 nieces also, though as you say this shouldn't matter. But their safety is also important. Here in Canada obviously soccer is very big, as is rugby, hockey and many other contact sports. Many of my female friends played rugby growing up.

I do see more governing bodies changing their policies. In Canada right now it's close to 60% who feel "uncomfortable" allowing participation according to Nanos (a respected surveyor). And people know where Canada typically stands on politics , so this is pretty telling.
I'm a staunch believer that ALL women's sports should be protected from this, without exception. I'll leave it at that. Kudos to the NXXT Tour for having some common sense.

Glad some common sense prevailed and the tour owner reached out to players for their feedback on the matter.
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