I have been lucky as far as neighbors go. My first apartment I had a pothead single mom who was nice and quiet. My last place had all nice neighbors who I got along with really well. The lady next door appeared to be an alcoholic, but she was always friendly when drinking, and we never had any problems.
You current neighbors are awesome. I live in an older established neighborhood, and we have a great mix of younger and older people who have been there for years. Everybody talks to each other but there isn't any of the gossip, drama or envy you so often see.
I think the advice about a fence is good. My wife and I live in a 55+ community, no fences, and people with LOTS of time on their hands. We are all friendly - if you go for a walk everyone waves hello to everyone else. But we do respect each other's privacy and property! Maybe people learn that with age.
Good fences make for good neighbors.
I have had great neighbors for the last 12 years but sadly I will be moving in the near future and also back into the city where the crazies are..lol The neighborhood I live in is as good as it gets these days and I will miss that, so if you want a great area I will make you a great deal:D It also comes with an 8' tall stained cedar fence....

I really do feel for you though, I have had those kind of neighbors before too.
We just moved in to our new home last fall. We live on a corner lot so we have one home beside us and one behind us. Havent spoken a word to either of them. There was a time I was letting my dogs outside and our side neighbors were in their garden and they didn't even look up. I am just as much to blame because I haven't taken initiative to talk to them but I thought usually when new neighbors moved in it was polite to stop in and introduce yourself and welcome them to the neighborhood.

At our last house we had a WEIRD neighbor. This lady would just stare at us all the time, never flashed a smile or anything any time we would wave or say hey. When we first moved in my wife was out back in the middle of summer laying out in her bathing suit. We had a fairly private back yard. At one point she opened her eyes and this lady was just standing over her. She has no idea how long she was there, but the lady just said hey and introduced herself. That was pretty much the only time she ever spoke to us. Also, when we went to look at that house before we moved in that lady had parked her car in our driveway and plugged in her sweeper in the outside outlet to sweep out her car. No one was living in the house so she just thought she would go over and use the electricity to sweep it out instead of using her own.
Fence. Absolutely. Fence.

We have great neighbors here - next to us is a family with 3 teens, but they're all very well behaved and friendly. The husband is a banker and a heck of a good golfer. There's only a fence between our yards because they have a pool, so they're required to have one. Across the street both families are nice and have kids that are friendly with ours, on the other side of us is a home for mentally disabled adults that's never been a problem (save for some of the younger employees needing to be asked once or twice to not toss their garbage out of their cars, and to slow the heck down when they're zooming down the street late for their shift).

Our old house though... wow. 3 generations of rednecks in one house. DYS was there a few times a month, ambulances a few times a year due to one of the kids doing something stupid, you name it. Their pool was in such a poor state that they had ducks living in it for a while, and they thought it was awesome. I'd have to call the cops at 1am in the summer because the kids were in the pool screaming bloody murder with absolutely no adult supervision around. They ended up pulling down the short wooden fence and putting up an 8' privacy fence and it was wonderful when they finally did it.