Off Course with the 2023 Masters


Albatross 2024 Club
Staff member
May 16, 2010
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Off Course is back this week with a fantastic show and this episode is Masters Week. Hosted by Dan Edwards, each Friday he gives you a deep look into the world of golf and equipment in a way unlike any other podcast has done before. Today, THP Staff Writer, James Miles joins the show and they discuss the 2023 Masters.

It wouldn’t be Off Course without some tangents, but Dan and James take a deep dive into the 2023 Masters including the potential for a unique celebration. This show has a lot going on and is one you will not want to miss as James Miles goes Off Course with the first major of the year.

Episode 151 is here and Dan and James discuss the following topics.

The Potential 18th Hole Celebration
Best Masters Themed Items
Finding Your Swing vs Fearing It
Masters Picks
And so much more

You can listen to the show right here, Apple Podcasts or anywhere you do your listening and downloading from. Search for the Hackers Paradise and make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. After listening, come back over and drop us a note below on what you agree and/or disagree with from the episode. If you get a chance, drop us a review wherever you listen from and let others know what you think of the show and/or channel.

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Yes! Here we go. There's an hour and 11 minutes until Master's starts - this is 54 minutes which means I have time for a snack inbetween.
Hello friends.
My new favorite thing is @Jman saying skanky.
Kicking off now-- hufflepuff
Not finished yet. But good stuff so far from the boys.
Enjoyed the listen gents! great job!
I didn't know if I was watching Off Course or WGP with the rant/get off my lawn segment at the beginning of the show @Canadan ... I fully agree though
I made it through the first 23 mins so far on my commute into work. I was chuckling the whole way in listening to Grandpa Dan. ;)
I made it through the first 23 mins so far on my commute into work. I was chuckling the whole way in listening to Grandpa Dan. ;)
He was super grumpy 🤣
Finished the show. Interesting chat gents.

Hats off to the boys getting Dan to commit to Driver in a fun round. Abd Dan kudos to sticking your wing out. 😉

In all seriousness, that talk of fear instead of find and the flush it go deal with it after a missed shot is so critical to golf. It’s so easy to fall into BPONE. And that is the killer to all golf.

BPONE: Black Pit Of Negative Expectations
Just listened with @Sarzar while driving to and from range today.

We did push Dan to pull driver out HAC weekend and it was fun watching him crush it.

Fear talk: a few things. Look at failure as an opportunity to grow and get better. If plan A doesn't work, have have a plan B, C, etc ready to go. Work on the small achievements to help yourself improve.

The wife golfing at least 24 times this year; maybe @Sarzar can match that motivatiom and get out more this year.
Just listened with @Sarzar while driving to and from range today.

We did push Dan to pull driver out HAC weekend and it was fun watching him crush it.

Fear talk: a few things. Look at failure as an opportunity to grow and get better. If plan A doesn't work, have have a plan B, C, etc ready to go. Work on the small achievements to help yourself improve.

The wife golfing at least 24 times this year; maybe @Sarzar can match that motivatiom and get out more this year.
I think I was at 18-20 rounds last year.
25 this year would be wonderful.
"Dumb dumbness" is a great term.
Finally got a chance to listen yesterday. Great discussion on self talk/confidence.

Hits home.