What Are You Working On?


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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Thought we should have a sticky thread at the top of this section talking a bit about the golf swing and what each of you are currently working on. Obviously if you have a question or want to share a tip, a new thread makes the most sense, but this could be a great place to drop something from a recent lesson or that doesn't fit anywhere else.
I’m working on not rolling the club face open at takeaway leading to a weak shallow swing. My drill is a takeaway which feels like I’m dramatically hooding the club and swinging massively ‘out’. The reality on camera is that it looks a lot more neutral.
Currently searching… driver is starting to come back, but irons and wedges are so lost. I have tips from my lesson, but I need time to get some video and figure out what the heck is going on.
Tempo, tempo, tempo. Making sure I slow my tempo down to give my body time to full complete the turn and get weight start to transfer before I fire the down swing. When the tempo is good, the face is square and the shot starts on my target line and I have control of draw/fade paths. When I get ahead of the swing, I tend to block and push with an open face or if I am way off, a pull draw can potentially enter in as my body tries to rotate to square up the face.
Working the same thing as @DaveGolfer15 - Not rolling my arms in the take away - More up and down instead of around.
Interesting, while I was interviewing PT's and explained where I was and were I'm now with my body, one PT told me that those that are "Bigger" go around their body as it's easier which make sense however now that I'm thinner, it's now easier to go around which makes my swings look like " Trap Hooks" - Got to break that habit.
Consistency off the tee, lining up with my intended line on putts correctly.
In a nutshell, consistency. My swing is at a place where I can do well with it. But, I’m noticing a few things.
I get too caught up with club swing instead of actually playing. Leads to me becoming handsy through impact and I get a double cross.

so… trying to stick to one shot shape. Keeping hands passive and swinging through the ball with hips.
When I do that, I hit a super well struck fade that just flies forever.
I have been working with @TrueMotionMatt and Tim since the spring starting with stance and takeaway. I have moved on to footwork and starting the downswing and need to start on shallowing the club out. Overall I think it has been good for my swing. I have driven the ball well and picked up some consistency but haven't gained much distance. The footwork should start to help with that though and shallowing the club because I do give up my angles in the downswing which costs distance.
More wrist hinge and a more vertical plane on the backswing.
Pulling all my scoring irons left.... Working on my alignment and ensuring my swing path is correct.
in full swing sequencing. trying to get the lower body initiating the swing sooner. this should allow me to keep the wrist angles a little longer, shallow the club a little better, and add some effortless speed.

in short game, we're still searching for the answer.
Hitting draws. Too many fades gradually turning into push fades.

Working the same thing as @DaveGolfer15 - Not rolling my arms in the take away - More up and down instead of around.
Interesting, while I was interviewing PT's and explained where I was and were I'm now with my body, one PT told me that those that are "Bigger" go around their body as it's easier which make sense however now that I'm thinner, it's now easier to go around which makes my swings look like " Trap Hooks" - Got to break that habit.

Must be contagious 😆. I’m working on not rolling the club open on too far inside takeaway and on starting my downswing from the inside. I’m plagued by an OTT move and I’m too steep on the downswing, leading to too many bad things.
Main thing has been tempo this year added with releasing the driver in the bottom of my swing. Too many years of duck hooks have led to holding the club face open at impact this year.
Short Game: practicing bunker play and working on better chips from various lies in Bermuda grass
Putting: Combining the saw grip with a slight change in my face angle at address
Driver: Eliminating the left side, working on trajectories and shapes always
Irons: Working (hard) to get to my left side and compress/cover the ball
Wedges: Always working to master trajectory and carry distance

Mind you, this all happens without a ball while messing around at home all week, and then 30-45 minutes of practice before teeing off in my weekend game :)
I have several things I need to work on but not taking the club so far inside is the biggest. It's absolutely killing me on irons with consistency.

The other really big thing is firing my hips, especially with driver. When I don't fire them I'm hitting that stupid, wussy duck hook that goes nowhere (except out of bounds).
Really been working on my iron striking lately, playing with different takeaways and deliveries. Some are helping and some are hurting, hoping to get it dialed in a little better. I continue to strike all my shorter irons on the toe. I also have always had a consistent fat shot and been playing with ball position on that as well. Driver has been behaving lately so I have also been focusing on putting as well.
Two points. With short irons and wedges, I have a tendency to get a bit too wristy and flip the club at impact. Depending on my rotation and follow-through, this often leads to pulls and over draws. Frustrating after finally landing one on the short stuff.

Second, trying to work on not drawing my pitches and or skulling them. I discovered a trick from Martin Hall to keep the shaft a bit more upright on chips and short pitches. This works well to avoid both drawing a pitch (odd, I know) or skulling it because the heel is impacting so much before the toe. I still, however struggle on longer pitches as keeping the shaft more upright causes me to stiffen up lo longer pitches as well as come up out of it. I tend to stay in a shot better if it's say a flop or a bunker shot.
Consistency is one.
Currently working on eliminating the hook with my irons. Focusing on setup and squaring up the club face. Might bend my irons 2° as well since I have a flatter swing
Tempo. Rhythm. Timing. All clubs and shots.
Trying to get some endurance back in my left pectoral and arm, I have been hitting 120-200 balls a day. Don't know what it is but I have noticed I am hitting everything perfectly straight but, 10 yards left. I have checked my alignment over and over and my shoulders are inline at setup. I don't know if something is happening in my shoulder joint during the swing or what but I will get it figured out!
I'm going to spend the next few months, working 2-3 times a week, with my d, 3, 5, and 7 woods.

Focus is going to be on adding some yards, with playable accuracy with those clubs.

I will also not forget about my long, middle, and short iron clubs. I will assume any increase in yardage I manufacture with metal woods, will has a trickke down effect on my irons.

I'd like to see a consistent 10 yards more with my metal woods by January.
I should be working on my bunker game. That has been crap all year but I don’t have regular access to a practice bunker. My course is kind of far away and I don’t always have time when I am playing to work on the bunker game before or after the round.