What Percentage of Your Golf is Fun


Albatross 2024 Club
Staff member
May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like a loaded question, but I think it's worth asking.

Back in the day, I was sort of taught to take golf seriously, and serious rewards would come from it. Think Tiger, but way less talent, practice, and practical application hahahaha - Long story short, I had fun when I hit great shots, but ruined days on the bad ones.

Are full rounds of golf fun for you? Are you having fun half the time? What drives that number?
I’ve learned to enjoy every round I get to play.
I enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy a little exercise. My game isn't what it use to be. It's fun 95% of the time.
I’d say 275/285 minutes in my last round were fun, so 96.5%
100% fun, no matter who I am playing with I am going to have and I am going to ensure my playing partners are having fun as well.
@Canadan every shot is fun regardless of the outcome. You never know if that shot will be your last. Almost having to give up golf due to an injury changed my perspective about golf. I'll never take it for granted ever again and every round will be fun. Period.
I would say old me it was 50% fun. Really focusing on staying positive and enjoying every round I play now. The goal is 100% for 2022. So far I am 1/1 in that even though my round was abysmal.
It is all fun for me. I had some times when I wasn’t physically able to play. Every day on the golf course is a great day. My livelihood doesn’t depend on it so don’t get annoyed by it. Why else do it if it isn’t fun.
I try to make 100% of my golf fun. I don't get paid to play the game, no reason not to have fun.

I take golf seriously, but if I'm not having fun, I don't want to play.
@baylrballa Sums it up nicely. Every time I get out it’s fun. It’s also frustrating. Some days it’s more fun; and some are more frustrating for sure!

This year I plan to try and not take myself or this game so serious. Have fun, and enjoy the good stuff. The other stuff I can work on, and eventually it’ll be better. Maybe.
Probably above 95%. There are times and situations on the course when it isn’t fun. But the moments are few.

Because golf is fun?
To me, at 68, it’s basically all fun. Even as old as I am I still wonder if today is the day I’m gonna catch lightning in a bottle or equal a personal best. Sometimes I do need to temper expectations as we can all have those holes that mess up an otherwise good round. But... all in all, if I get to play it’s a good time!
Every time you make conscious choice to play , and have something you enjoy is fulfilling.
100 % yes there are moments of disastrous consequences, lost ball etc
But the time before and time after and the next shot or the sledge of your mate ….
So much to enjoy in which a short time .

And not only the actual playing but the anticipation and enthusiasm of looking forward too the next opportunity…..
I really try to have fun with things even when things are going bad. I still get in my own head sometimes, so I'll say I'm probably at like 85% of the time I'm having fun and working to improve all the time. When I slip, I try to breathe and remind myself where I am, how lucky I am to be out playing, and get back to the fun.
10 years ago - half fun and half frustration. Today, all fun. I was better 10 years ago but now don't take it, or myself, too seriuosly like I did back then. I just enjoy the walk and do the best I can in my seemingly rapidly advancing years.
At first thought I would answer that all of my golf is fun. But that’s not true. When things go off the rails, I’m not happy. I want to become a better player. So I am try to remind myself that I actually enjoy the process of learning golf.

how much of my golf is FOR fun Vs. What portion is fun. I hope to keep pursuing all golf is fun. Even when I’m struggling to remember I enjoy it even if my body suddenly forgets everything about whacking a ball around a park.
I don’t play much competitive golf. It I do like to play well and get frustrated when things do not seem to be going right. I would say most rounds are enjoyable. But 25-35% are “fun”.
I think I have a ton of fun probably 90% of the time. Maybe that number is low, but I'm just trying to be honest. Since having kids and playing less and less, I think I have fun at a much higher clip these days.

A few years back when I was getting deeper and deeper into the competitive amateur golf scene, it became less fun. It wasn't the bad rounds that annoyed me, it was the ones when I played really well and still finished 10th somehow lol.
I’ve really tried to focus on the fun of being able to be out there playing golf — playing well on a given day is just a bonus. Played the other day (super windy, wet conditions, just played 9 as a quick scramble with some buddies to get out there while it was above 40 degrees for once haha) and I played really poorly — but I also lost 5 years, and it’s great to be back and working on my swing. I was disappointed with how I played and a little frustrated, but that is far outweighed by being out there again.
Part of it is always fun, or I just wouldn't do it.

Part of it is always frustrating.

That ratio can vary immensely.
I think this sums it up perfectly. I always seem to have a 2-3 hole stretch where I blow up with a few doubles or even a triple. Those are the frustrating times, usually caused by a horrid tee shot or a missed green, poor chip, and 3 putt for double. I've learned to be better at telling myself "You suck to much at golf to be this mad" so I'm better now at limiting those stretches to only a few holes and not letting it kill my entire round...usually.
100% of all rounds are enjoyable regardless of score. But I'd say 60% are actually fun with zero care. Those other 40% I'm taking things really serious and trying to shoot a score I have in mind. It might actually be higher than that but that's one thing I'm working on this season. Having more actual fun doing what I'm doing out there