Just discovered this tonight ... love it!

Wordle 217 5/6

I've been enjoying this for a bit now... Got the wife hooked and now we laugh at her madness.

I was particularly fond of her decision to use the same letter in the same spot (P) two lines in a row because "I couldn't think of anything else" ---- Like the game was going to change its mind hahaha

Ohhhh I love her.
I started a few days ago and now I'm hooked.
It’s quickly become a daily. Today’s pushed me a bit
Wordle 218 4/6


Today wasn’t too bad.
4/6 for me
Whew! Finally got it on last try today 6/6
Big day for me today!

Wordle 218 3/6

Got the first one I tried in 5, kind of fun
Have been playing for a few days. Really enjoy it!

I also didn’t realize how many 5 letter words I knew, but also didn’t know, and yet at the same time seem to make up and wordle does that little shake thing and tells me my word isn’t really an actual word.
5/6 today for me. 3/3 streak going.
4 today. Tough one
my Mom just talked about this on the phone last night. Just got todays in 5 tries
Daughter told me I'd like it. Got it in 5 first time today.
My wife introduced this to me over the weekend - fun for sure!
Today was rough.
4/6 with no yellows. Got lucky on my 3rd to seal it.