Would you consider playing a practice ball?


Well-known member
Albatross 2024 Club
Apr 15, 2017
Reaction score
GHIN 6.4
Currently, the TaylorMade site is offering TP5/TP5X practice golf balls at the price of $29.00 per dozen. Here is what the company says:

“Each box of TP5/TP5x Practice balls includes a dozen assorted balls, with each batch likely containing the same model. TP5/TP5x Practice balls are USGA conforming products that differ only due to a cosmetic blemish such as paint, ink or registration of stamping. The golf balls all have “Practice” stamped on the side but do not have any construction or performance deficiencies.”

“You may be wondering the rule on putting a practice ball in play. In compliance with The Rules of Golf, all golf balls on the USGA conforming list may be used in a casual round of golf – including those where scores are posted for handicaps – and during competition. Thus, TP5/TP5x Practice balls can be used during any round of golf. Refer to rule 4.2a(1)/2 for more info.”

Why would you or would you not play this ball at such a great price (assuming you like playing the TP5 series ball)?
If I played TP5s, I would have zero issue putting that in play. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest. You give me some CSx or Tour B RXs with practice stamped on the side and I'd load up right now!
Based on thoughts from a recent Wilson golf ball analysis, I wonder if these paint blemishes do in fact have an impact on overall performance of the golf ball.
I'd play them in a heartbeat.
Golf Discount has those same balls for 19.99 a dozen right now (or at least yesterday they did). I ordered 3 dz of the TP5x Pix 2.0 and some regular TP5x for a friend. They came yesterday and other than one that has a small dark mark on it maybe 1mm square, they look totally fine. SO yes to the question, I would play them because what a deal.
IMO "practice" balls are the same as logo overruns. Still the same product at the core, but for some reason can't be sold as the "real deal". A black sharpie marker takes care of the "practice" stamp pretty easily, and let's face it - you're going to end up discarding them anyway (by choice or by bad luck) so why not get more for your money?
I ordered some of the 19.99 a dozen balls. Other than having practice on them and a couple with some paint I can't tell any difference in them. A sharpie arrow takes care of practice if that bugs you.
Yes and I do. I’ve been playing the TP5/5X practice balls. I haven’t noticed any performance loss. My son plays Pro V1X in tournaments and the Pro V1/V1x practice balls in practice/fun rounds.
Wouldn't bother me in the least. If the TP5 was my ball, I'd be stocking up on them at that price.
I wouldn't as I love my Snell MTBx's that I order my years supply 5 dozen pack for $145. I bought some of the Srixon Z Star BOGO that worked out to $20/dozen but I prefer the Snell's.
Absolutely not, I have a big enough problem looking at the top of my Apex 7 iron and Epic Flash 4 hybrid where it says DEMO on top of the grip.
Yes. I bought a bunch of Bridgestone B330-RX balls a few years ago and gamed the heck out of them. Never noticed any performance issues with them.
Golf Discount has those same balls for 19.99 a dozen right now (or at least yesterday they did). I ordered 3 dz of the TP5x Pix 2.0 and some regular TP5x for a friend. They came yesterday and other than one that has a small dark mark on it maybe 1mm square, they look totally fine. SO yes to the question, I would play them because what a deal.
Another THPer recommended Golf Discount as well. 20 bucks for a dozen balls is too good to pass up, so I purchased some TP5X Pix.
I would not.

I’m sure they are fine but it would feel like playing a range ball.
No.....I buy in bulk mostly off eBay. And without a doubt every year I find some crazy deal...bought 6 1/2 dozen recently for $160....Pro V's...
Even better, there is a site selling practice TP5 pix for 20 bucks. No issues in performance and is my main ball these days.

The blue box TP5 practice balls will not all be the same, x or non x, just FYI.
As you know, Craig, I have 132 practice balls in my shag bag. Not once have I ever considered taking one onto the course. I don't know why.

My home course had practice TP5 and 5x for $15.99/dz. There are 7 dozen TP5x in my house now. Love em!
I play Practice balls (and used balls) especially during the winter. They are cheaper to lose in the leaves and they perform exactly like the real thing.
I f d the occasional “Practice “ ball and have gamed them finding no difference between them and tge regular ball. As long as unscuffed, I’ll play it. I do find a lot of them around my home course, seems like people don’t look too hard for them.
Played the practice PIX 2.0's today. Played just like normal. I was able to skull 'em, hit'em in and out of the sand, 3 putt, and lose them in some hazards and OB. All good.