Official Rant of the Day Thread

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It should be pretty close to paid off by now isn't it? Might consider Liability only at that point.

What about something that hasn't been brought up yet? What's your deductible? Take that sucker up to $1,000.

ya its paid for now. but i cant do liability because any damage comes out of pocket for it.. i have had hail damage that got fixed and couple scratches and small dent fixed (black truck) so its better not to have liability and my deductible is $1,000 lol
ya its paid for now. but i cant do liability because any damage comes out of pocket for it.. i have had hail damage that got fixed and couple scratches and small dent fixed (black truck) so its better not to have liability and my deductible is $1,000 lol

Good call could always take the liability coverage down, but I wouldnt recommend it. How much was the total damage? That actually hurt you claiming that!
ya its paid for now. but i cant do liability because any damage comes out of pocket for it.. i have had hail damage that got fixed and couple scratches and small dent fixed (black truck) so its better not to have liability and my deductible is $1,000 lol

Then that could be part of why it's so high, if you keep making claims on it.
hahaha, beat you to it
Yep you did! I've only made one claim in over 30 years of driving, and it wasn't even my car, it was the ex's car.
Yep you did! I've only made one claim in over 30 years of driving, and it wasn't even my car, it was the ex's car.

hence, the ex!!
it was alot! it got hailed on one night at college. nothing i cud do about it, we where all gone somewhere and all the cars in the parking lot (over 200) got beat bad. broken windshields and everything the top of mine had dents all in it and so did hood.. it cost quite a bit to get them out..
Yep you did! I've only made one claim in over 30 years of driving, and it wasn't even my car, it was the ex's car.

Saying this while knocking on wood....I have never had a claim!
it was alot! it got hailed on one night at college. nothing i cud do about it, we where all gone somewhere and all the cars in the parking lot (over 200) got beat bad. broken windshields and everything the top of mine had dents all in it and so did hood.. it cost quit a bit to get them out..

Got ya, well in that case it would make sense to claim it. Just always remember to weigh out your options. Especially with a $1000 ded.
yup i have been real careful not to screw anything up so i can make those payments go down some.. insurance money is eatin into my golf purchases lol
Saying this while knocking on wood....I have never had a claim!

I've had two house-related claims. The first was when we got broken into back in 1989 (renter's insurance for the stolen items) and just a couple weeks ago on the roof (hail). Makes the $1,000 deductible worthwhile since the premiums are so much cheaper (other than bridges!, hehe).
Well keep walking that straight line and hopefully it will pay off for you one day. its always better to be made fun of for being a slow driver than getting a ticket. Plus, if your known as the slow driver you dont ever have to drive places
I've had two house-related claims. The first was when we got broken into back in 1989 (renter's insurance for the stolen items) and just a couple weeks ago on the roof (hail). Makes the $1,000 deductible worthwhile since the premiums are so much cheaper (other than bridges!, hehe). have it right though. The point is to pay them out as little as possible. You are an insurance companies dream Smalls. Pays the bills and never has claims.
Well keep walking that straight line and hopefully it will pay off for you one day. its always better to be made fun of for being a slow driver than getting a ticket. Plus, if your known as the slow driver you dont ever have to drive places

well im not really the slow driver lol i just invested in a really good radar detector after my first ticket.. Escort passport it helps out a ton but i usually try not to drive to much over the speed limit now usually stay around the 2-3mph over of it haha
oh yeah....thats good. The saying a cop buddy of mine had was "8 your great, 9 your mine"!
I actually started driving slower after they raised the speed limits! AND quit using my radar detector. I drove about 75 when it was 55 and now I'll drive about 3 over.
thats the smartest route to go....slow down
So did I, but a smart cop will beat one every time. They wait until they see you and hit you. I got punked out by a Sherrif in the sticks of Iowa. He laughed and said, "Son, don't you know that those things don't work?".
lol u shud have said well you finally caught me i have been driving 12 over for the past year and its worked just fine haha but i am usually hauling my mowing trailer behind me so i cant really go fast with it anyways..
So did I, but a smart cop will beat one every time. They wait until they see you and hit you. I got punked out by a Sherrif in the sticks of Iowa. He laughed and said, "Son, don't you know that those things don't work?".

Yeah, those instant-on guns just ain't fair! hehehe

Those Iowa cops live to give tickets.
Yeah, those instant-on guns just ain't fair! hehehe

Those Iowa cops live to give tickets.

Yes, they do. I kind of made fun of myself and he ended up giving me a <15 MPH ticket instead of the >20 MPH ticket that I deserved. Now I just try to keep my eyes looking for them.
well my only speeding ticket was 94 in a 65 but pretty sure i was going more like 99. the EX gf waas griping because i was late to eat dinner with her and her family at the her house, (had to drop off a couple buddies at a restaurant) so i was hauling and got busted. VERY DUMB by me but o well guess i learned my lesson. and its not like anyone can say they havent gone 90+ before in there life if you havent i applaud you lol. but that was my ticket for a big 200 bucks and had to write a letter why driving that fast is unsafe to the judge (i was 16 at the time) and she made sure that letter was perfect, and o spent 6 hours in defensive driving class. thats my little dumb speeding story..
I actually started driving slower after they raised the speed limits! AND quit using my radar detector. I drove about 75 when it was 55 and now I'll drive about 3 over.

Smalls, are you Driving Miss Daisy? Geez...

Although obtaining two speeding tickets within 2 days in 2 different counties definitely does not make me the expert in that category.
I try to simply stay with the flow of traffic. Out here that could be 65-80 on the highways just depends
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