At THP, we believe that testing should be done not only by us, but also by the wonderful forum members and this month we have another new testing project. One of the cool features about being an active member of the THP Forum is that we look to those guys/gals, the consumers, to give feedback on equipment to golfers all around the world. Each month we send out iron sets, drivers, trainings aids, golf balls and accessories to our active members to be a part of the THP Forum Member testing. This time around we have a very unique product, Hirlz Golf Gloves, and we can’t wait to read what the forum members think.
To follow along with the testers and read about their experience with this glove check out the THP Forum Here. These reviewers are putting these gloves through the wringer. This is not a one and done type or review, this is a long term testing so you can follow along round after round to find out how this product has performed.
If you are not already a forum member, registration is quick and easy. We are always looking for real life consumer feedback so we are always going to be doing great testing like this one.
Have you ever tried a Hirzl Glove? What are your thoughts?
Always a pleasure to follow along with fellow fellow forum members during these testings.
Outstanding job by the testers thus far! This glove will definitely be in contention during my next glove purchase. Thanks to Hirzl for giving THP’ers the opportunity!!
Its been a good read so far on what seem’s to be an outstanding product. Thanks THP and Hirzl.
Thankd to Hirzl and THP for letting me test this outstanding glove. It has lived up to its claims so far and is earning its spot in my bag and on my hand. If you want a product that lives up to its billing, this is one that does it!
Great Job from reviewers so far . Thanks to Hirzl and THP for the opportunity they have given our members.
Still waiting for mine to arrive, seems like the us postal system is just as slow as ours..
The reviewers have really done a great job and I amped to get one of these. The only problem is, it’s not available in any store I can find, other than on-line. Golves are like shoes for me, no matter the size, they all fit a bit different so I won’t buy them unless I can try one on. Too much of a pain to go through that via on-line. Hopefully they start showing up in stores soon!
Thank you THP and Hirzl for allowing me to test the “Trust Feel” Glove. I have played several holes of golf and been to the practice range about several times after receiving the glove almost two weeks ago.
This glove fits very well and is living up to to its claims. It has found a spot in my bag.
These gloves are so interesting to me, have never even felt kangaroo skin but they sound like they do the job well and this will be my next glove when i need a new one.Great job Testers and Thanks Hirzl for letting some THP’ers put these to the test.
i have already test this glove in France.
This is a good product, the leather is great, not thin like a “Player”, but with a good comfort.
The plus is the amazing durability : 3 months Vs 1 month normally (For 2 rounds by week).
Great golf for everybody !
Thanks Galand,
I am looking forward to seeing how long this glove will last me.Three months would be excellent for me and would make the glove even more affordable.
I’m interested in how durable these gloves are. Will the extra cost be offset by longer wear?
One-T let me use this glove while we were at the Outing and this is easily the best glove I have ever used. It is the most gripy glove I have ever used and this glove will last forever! I am a big fan!
3 rounds with the Feel glove and I love it!
I doubt I will ever buy a different glove.
I am not sure on the looks of it. i would like to see some shots of people wearing the glove during a round. I wear Footjoy’s pure touch and i love it
I have played more than 145 holes and had several practice sessions using the Trust Feel and am noticing minimal palm wear. I would have torn through the palm by now using other brands. I love my Hirzl glove! Thanks THP and Hirzl for the opportunity.
Picked a Trust Feel last week in local pro shop based off of this thread. Sizing did run large as was stated but was nothing less than impressed and happy that I picked one of these bad boys up.
I was considering on regripping my clubs. After playing with the Hirzl, I have opted not to go that route and just continue to play with them. Huge improvement on grip and confidence in having no slip now.
Thanks for all the feedback on this great product.