Product Spotlight – SuperFlex Golf Swing Kit Review


Resistance bands are well known as an effective, portable, and inexpensive way to build strength throughout the entire body. SuperFlex Fitness, a company founded by Dave Herman, has designed a golf training program that uses resistance bands for strength, flexibility, and even swing mechanics.

Dave Herman

Mr. Herman has decades of experience in sports training, and during this time has worked with many elite golfers, including Ernie Els, Gary Woodland, and Suzann Pettersen in addition to a number of athletes from the top levels of other sports.

He founded SuperFlex in 2010 and is featured prominently throughout the Golf Swing Kit program.

Golf Swing Kit


Priced at $69.95, the Golf Swing Kit comes with a number of items that are designed to assist golfers in a number of ways. Included are:

  • Two Functional Training Bands
  • One Resistance Band
  • Swing Grip
  • Door Attachment
  • Swing Drill poster
  • Access to mobile app (iOS and Android)

All the items in the Golf Swing Kit are packaged neatly in a plastic tube that can be used for storage if needed. The bands included are not particularly ‘high-strength’ (though SuperFlex does produce that variety as well), but the Resistance Band in particular is large enough that it can be doubled over to increase the tension if needed.

The swing grip attaches to the bands and essentially acts to mimic a golf grip for certain drills, while the door attachment provides one of the multiple ways to anchor the bands. Installing the mobile app was quite simple after a quick search. As a special note, the customer service group at SuperFlex was very helpful with a small issue setting up the app (related to the item reviewed being promotional rather than retail). They were able to get the issue corrected within a very short time frame with exceptional courtesy, which is always refreshing.

Rather than just an exercise program, the Golf Swing Kit presents a multifaceted approach to training for golf. The mobile app includes access to over 50 swing training drills using the bands with Master Instructor Andrew Park. Specific swing faults are targeted and include things like swaying, reverse pivot, weight shift, spinning hips, and more. The list is truly huge, and as an added benefit, there are both indoor and outdoor drills.

In addition to the numerous swing drills, Dave Herman himself is featured in a number of videos specifically designed for golf specific purposes. These videos range from attaching a band to a golf cart for a quick warm-up at the course to full-on core and shoulder exercises. Again, the versatility of the product is exhibited in the fact that most exercises can be done anywhere, and the small footprint makes transporting the kit effortless.

The mobile app adds great value to the Golf Swing Kit, because the sheer volume of possible exercises using resistance bands can cause confusion to new users. Neatly organized for specific areas and faults, the app makes it easy to get started. In use, the bands work quite well (though awkward at first), adding a new level of difficulty to stretches and exercises, and while the swing drills involve a bit of a learning curve, they proved to be both useful and relevant.

The Golf Swing Kit can be ordered at the SuperFlex website for $69.95. In addition, there are numerous options for bands of varying sizes and strengths for alternative or advanced exercises.

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Editor and writer Ryan Hawk lives in northwestern Illinois with his fiance and son. He's been a writer for The Hackers Paradise for two years and has been involved with a number of THP events.