Cleveland RTX ZipCore vs CBX2 Wedges

The new Cleveland RTX ZipCore wedges have been getting rave reviews as of late on the THP Forum. With many golfers using this end of their bag as extensions to their irons, we got to thinking about forgiveness and how it impacts full swings. Here is Cleveland RTX ZipCore vs CBX2 wedges.

CBX2 Tech vs ZipCore Sole Grinds

Our content is about answering your questions and this is the number one question we have received about wedges…Does Forgiveness Matter? This is a pretty eye opening video showing the swings and data from two VERY different styles and let you decide which would be right for you.

The goal was simple, to show two very different wedge styles and what impact that would have for those that use them for full swings. When we began shooting, we genuinely had no idea what the outcome would be. There is no denying how solid both of the lines from Cleveland Golf are, but outside of being from the same company, stark differences exist.

Important to note that there will be some sole and versatility differences between these two lines. As you get into flighting, workability and some areas around the green other aspects become apparent. For this comparison however, we wanted to focus on the question we get asked the most. Does forgiveness matter in wedges and using Cleveland RTX ZipCore vs CBX2 wedges to demonstrate.

After watching the video above, which one is right for you and what style of wedge do you play? You can find more information about both ZipCore and CBX2 at their website here.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.