Say what you will about simulator golf, love it or not, but there is no denying that we are in the middle of the biggest boom that the segment has ever seen. While there are plenty of startup options beginning to join the fray, in 2024 Foresight Sports are looking to solidify their place among the best. When the company introduced its ceiling mounted GCHawk, they brought a new level of accuracy to sim golf, but 6 years later, it was time for an evolution. That is where the introduction of the Foresight Falcon comes in.

Foresight Falcon Review
Obviously, Foresight is keeping with the bird of prey theme going from Hawk to Falcon, but that is a very good analogy as to how the brand views itself in not just the launch monitor segment, but sim golf as well. Foresight has long prided itself on creating the most accurate launch monitors on the planet for both outdoor and indoor use. The GCHawk opened up a whole new playground for them, and as the sim golf world is growing at a breakneck pace, it was time for an upgrade.

According to Foresight Sports Co-CEO Jon Watters, this new release is one that they are very excited about in terms of the overall evolution it provides:
“Our GCHawk had the same game-changing effect on the simulation golf market in 2018 that our GC2 had on the broader launch monitor market in 2010,” Watters said. “In both cases, we were able to open golfers’ eyes with technologies that were incredibly accurate, robust, and durable. The Falcon packs everything you expect from a Foresight product into a smaller, lighter model that beats every competitive newcomer feature by feature. In the simulation space, the GCHawk was the category creator. The Foresight Falcon will be the category expander for those looking for a simulator expression that fits their space, use case, and budget.”
While all that language is exciting, it is no doubt the details which will interest people the most. For starters, the Foresight Falcon is based on the same photometric technology that is within the GCHawk with both using the Quadrascopic camera setup that has made Foresight the leader in accuracy. The Falson is, however, dimensionally much different.

The device comes in almost 10 pounds lighter than the GCHawk and it is 45 inches shorter while still maintaining a hitting zone that is larger by almost double than any other ceiling mount unit on the market, besides its sibling. Additionally, the power source is now integrated, and the Falcon has a rubberized impact protection for those “oops” moments. It is also worth noting that the connections can be made via Ethernet, USB-C, or Wifi with the data rate now reaching 1 GB/s compared to the GCHawk’s 10 MB/s.

These changes in form and function should make the Foresight Falcon available to use and fit into a broader range of locations and settings than its predecessor. At the same time, it still uses the same trusted data collection the brand has built its name on with over a dozen points of ball and club information available for each shot, more than twice any other brands overhead device can provide. It may interest some to know, however, that the Falcon will not be multi-sport functional as the GCHawk is, making this a golf specific innovation.

The Foresight Falcon will be available for purchase starting January 3, 2024 and the base model is accompanied by a price tag of $14,999. Worth noting, the base price does include software. Additionally, the Falcon will be available as part of Foresight’s popular SIM IN A BOX “Ace” package. As always, more information on everything which Foresight offers can be found with the Indoor Golf Shop. Check out their full page on the Falcon here.
Great preview James. I wish I had the space where I could roll with this. Just makes sense when you have buddies that play golf left handed.
Interesting product, especially competing for the setups where a side or rear mounted device is not practical. The cost is still of course a factor, but I don’t think it’s that prohibitive if you’re going to build a top of the line sim.
Looks like a great option in you have the money and space to build. I would love to have something where I could walk downstairs or out in the garage, in comfort and get accurate data. Would certainly help get through these dreadful winters. Products looks solid.
Definitely a smaller package vs the previous model. In just 6 yrs to shrink that much makes you wonder where we’ll be in 6 more.
Very cool write up, and amazing to see how much things are improving in Golf Sims.
I now have next year’s Christmas wish list item!
Pretty cool.
great writeup. Very interesting. Really like how much they have shrunk the unit and that it is top mounted.
Out of my price range, but it’s great to see companies innovate in the home sim space as the interest continues to grow.
Nice review. The price is a bit eye watering.
What would be the most compelling reason to buy this unit over a SkyTrak ST+ besides it being ceiling mounted?
Love to continue to see the progression in the launch monitor segment. Looks like a great product for those who have don’t mind spending a bit more.
Quite an improvement it seems. Is there any simulator places that use these in their business model?
[QUOTE=”jdtox, post: 12044549, member: 5944″]
Quite an improvement it seems. Is there any simulator places that use these in their business model?
That’s what I’ll be curious to see. Where it’s adopted. There’s convenience aspects for sure, but I’m wondering how many places would switch to it or start off with it.
[QUOTE=”AuzzieMatt, post: 12044498, member: 54652″]
Nice review. The price is a bit eye watering.
What would be the most compelling reason to buy this unit over a SkyTrak ST+ besides it being ceiling mounted?
To me it seems like this is more of a full sim type or business setup where SkyTrak+ is more of a garage sim. I’m not discounting the SkyTrak because I know it’s an awesome product just seems like this unit is for a higher end type setup
[QUOTE=”jdtox, post: 12044569, member: 5944″]
To me it seems like this is more of a full sim type or business setup where SkyTrak+ is more of a garage sim. I’m not discounting the SkyTrak because I know it’s an awesome product just seems like this unit is for a higher end type setup
That and your average garage will be hard pressed to give up the overhead space.
Great write up [USER=1579]@Jman[/USER]. Nice to see how much technology is improving.
[QUOTE=”outlawx, post: 12044577, member: 74252″]
That and your average garage will be hard pressed to give up the overhead space.
Great write up [USER=1579]@Jman[/USER]. Nice to see how much technology is improving.
Depends on the garage! Haha
[QUOTE=”Jman, post: 12044584, member: 1579″]
Depends on the garage! Haha
That’s the dream right there. Purpose built garage enough space for a sim and my wood working shop.
Nice write up [USER=1579]@Jman[/USER]. The size decrease is really impressive on this.
[QUOTE=”ryang13, post: 12044598, member: 67512″]
Nice write up [USER=1579]@Jman[/USER]. The size decrease is really impressive on this.
It’s really wild when you see the numbers on how much smaller it is.
[QUOTE=”Jman, post: 12044606, member: 1579″]
It’s really wild when you see the numbers on how much smaller it is.
45” is a very impressive number to shrink something down, especially in our current state of wanting our tech small and big all at the same time.
That is a serious machine. Impressive they were able to cut down the size that much and have the performance where it is at. It would be an amazing setup to have, that’s for sure.
[USER=1579]@Jman[/USER] when are you putting this one up in your garage? ?
I’m very curious as to where this takes the simulator market. Better inside and better outside equipment, but seems like functionality stayed linear? Also it seems like this may have came in at a cheaper price point than the GCHawk. Is that in an effort to make it more of a consumer product than a business product?
Very interested to see more information on this one
That is nice looking and for that whole set up is a nice deal.
[QUOTE=”jdtox, post: 12044569, member: 5944″]
To me it seems like this is more of a full sim type or business setup where SkyTrak+ is more of a garage sim. I’m not discounting the SkyTrak because I know it’s an awesome product just seems like this unit is for a higher end type setup
I know my local golf store had a GC Hawk in their main bay. They just expanded and put in either 6 or 8 new bays. When I visit this week I will be curious to see if they went with Hawks or Falcon’s. I’ll be sure to ask them.
As we are designing our next house. This is….useful. ?
[QUOTE=”Afizzle2100, post: 12046524, member: 56757″]
I’m very curious as to where this takes the simulator market. Better inside and better outside equipment, but seems like functionality stayed linear? Also it seems like this may have came in at a cheaper price point than the GCHawk. Is that in an effort to make it more of a consumer product than a business product?
Very interested to see more information on this one
Yes a more consumer friendly product, but based on the comparison chart on Foresight’s website, I wouldn’t be so sure if the Falcon ends up replacing the Hawk. Smaller footprint, larger hitting area, all the same data points.
James, you speak of Foresight being the accuracy leader. That’s cool. But on what evidence is this based? I’m keen to know where there is any valid scientific benchmark validation data to review with respect to any launch technology. I haven’t found any. Thanks.
Great writeup @Jman .
I have been looking at these since they were announced and debating between it and a Eye XO2. Anyone do a comparison between the 2?
The hitting area on the Falcon is a bit misleading. It’s 28" L x 59" W total but if you want club data it’s only 11" L x 17" W for each righty or lefty. So if you have an insert for each side you will be standing on the insert for the opposite hand. Maybe I am overthinking it too.
I’m looking at changing my indoor facility for next season to a closer one. They have three bays with Foresight Falcon + GS Pro set up. If I do end up doing it, it’ll be interesting to get time on this. I’ve been pretty exclusively using Trackmans until now.
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12686387, member: 72219″]
I’m looking at changing my indoor facility for next season to a closer one. They have three bays with Foresight Falcon + GS Pro set up. If I do end up doing it, it’ll be interesting to get time on this. I’ve been pretty exclusively using Trackmans until now.
Did you use the rct balls with the trackman?
[QUOTE=”outlawx, post: 12686392, member: 74252″]
Did you use the rct balls with the trackman?
Yes and no. When using it for practice, I used RCT’s for a long time but when they got all beat up, I didn’t buy new ones. Then I did a lot of comparison shots with different balls, knowing the spin data might get iffy.
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12686401, member: 72219″]
Yes and no. When using it for practice, I used RCT’s for a long time but when they got all beat up, I didn’t buy new ones. Then I did a lot of comparison shots with different balls, knowing the spin data might get iffy.
Yeah this option will be a lot better for optimization
[QUOTE=”outlawx, post: 12686402, member: 74252″]
Yeah this option will be a lot better for optimization
That’s my thinking too. I kind of hate that Trackman has wonky numbers at times indoors if not using the RCT’s. But now I have a choice.
the indoor facility by me just installed a Falcon in one of their bays. Their Hawk is in CA getting refurbished by Foresight and then they also have a Quad in their 3rd bay. Going to buy a membership 11/1 for winter swing work and sim rds. it bums me out that this place though doesn’t have a way to easily email you a report out of all your numbers during a session. When visiting the other place I go to that has Trackman you get a nice report out at the end with dispersion rings and all your numbers that you can toggle through. That I feel is where Trackman is one leg up on Foresight. Then again the place I go to with the Foresight equipment may not be up and up with the tech or the software they use.
As a lefty I love to see this kind of technology vs the standalone models that can’t go back and forth easily. I’m jot a buyer in this realm but love the tech and advancing the sim realm.
[QUOTE=”JTinMO, post: 12686548, member: 68067″]
As a lefty I love to see this kind of technology vs the standalone models that can’t go back and forth easily. I’m jot a buyer in this realm but love the tech and advancing the sim realm.
that is exactly why the sim place by me is going with the falcon and Hawk over the floor units.