Most Holes Played In One Day?

Walked 36 today... in Texas heat. Long course.

I've done 50 before in a cart with long breaks in between.

I think I can do 72+ if I ride, play alone or in a twosome with someone who can play just as many, and a fairly empty course.
played 36 with Yoccos out here before the last outing to "prepare" for the outing, then did 36 again in Florida at the outing. I think my limit is about 24 or so hehehehe
I've played 54 a few times, and regularly play 36. If I play 54 I feel it the next day.
Wow so you played 90 holes in one day? What is even more impressive though is that you played in a tournament the very next day! I can play 72 in a day but playing the day after, I don't think so... lol

Yep, this was when I was young and fit though - hehe. It was for a good cause though so it was worth it
I've played 36 holes for 5 days a few times in Myrtle and once in Hawaii.
The most number of holes in one day for me is 54.
Walked 36 a few years ago


A good friend and I used to live next to each other on the golf course. We played a lot of golf together over the years. There were many days when I spent more waking hours with him than I did my wife.

We had always talked about how many holes we could get in if we played from sun up to sun down. Two years ago I accepted a job in the KC area, which meant our daily golfing games were going to come to an end. The last week in June (My new job started on July 1) we decided to finally see how many holes we could get in.

On the way to the first tee (we both owned had our own golf carts) we played as a warm-up hole. Having the first tee time of the morning, we completed our first round in less than three hours. We then proceedeed to play five more 18-hole rounds, added nine more, and then played #2 in near darkness to finish the day with 101 holes under our belts. The only break we took was for a 30-minute lunch. As the course got busier we had to jump around a little bit to find an open spot, but each round included all 18 holes of the course.

People looked at us like we were crazy, which I suppose we were. Funny thing was that I didn't really feel bad at all by the end of the day. The next day we actually went out and played a another 18.

Though this was the most we've ever played, it's not unusual for us to play a lot of golf. During a recent trip we took to Las Vegas we ended up playing 171 holes in four days. Our first day we played 54, 45 on the second, another 54 day 3, and then 18 on the last day. Had a great time, though nothing will compare to the day we did 101.
Man the most I've ever played in a day was 36 and that was for a tournament when I was younger. It wasn't bad then, but 36 nowadays with the shape I'm in might be fun when I do it, my body will hate me the next day I think...
A good friend and I used to live next to each other on the golf course. We played a lot of golf together over the years. There were many days when I spent more waking hours with him than I did my wife.

We had always talked about how many holes we could get in if we played from sun up to sun down. Two years ago I accepted a job in the KC area, which meant our daily golfing games were going to come to an end. The last week in June (My new job started on July 1) we decided to finally see how many holes we could get in.

On the way to the first tee (we both owned had our own golf carts) we played as a warm-up hole. Having the first tee time of the morning, we completed our first round in less than three hours. We then proceedeed to play five more 18-hole rounds, added nine more, and then played #2 in near darkness to finish the day with 101 holes under our belts. The only break we took was for a 30-minute lunch. As the course got busier we had to jump around a little bit to find an open spot, but each round included all 18 holes of the course.

People looked at us like we were crazy, which I suppose we were. Funny thing was that I didn't really feel bad at all by the end of the day. The next day we actually went out and played a another 18.

Though this was the most we've ever played, it's not unusual for us to play a lot of golf. During a recent trip we took to Las Vegas we ended up playing 171 holes in four days. Our first day we played 54, 45 on the second, another 54 day 3, and then 18 on the last day. Had a great time, though nothing will compare to the day we did 101.

whoa, 101! thats impressive!
36 walking. One of the courses we play allows us to keep walking (it's nice to know the rangers) I was dead tired at the 30th hole.
Im usually pretty spent if I play 36 solid holes. 72 is pretty awesome but if I was in the zone I'm sure I could knock it down as long as I brought plenty of sunscreen and water 12 hours is a lot of golf.
36 once, and ill be doing it again thursday
Most Rounds in a Day?

Most Rounds in a Day?

I am planning to walk 3 rounds Thursday. It will be really hot, but if I go 4 hours per round (the course is really hilly and hard to walk) with 30 minutes rest between each, I won't be too tired. Main fear is blistering on the feet. I wear normal sneakers golfing and there is some slippage.

Anyone else played in a similar marathon session? What is your record?
Walked 54 last summer in 100 degrees. Drink. Lots. Of. Water.
Merged with a similar thread.
36. But I watched a program today on KJ Choi where he was 3 hrs away from the golf course in Korea. He would wake up at 2:30 to be there at sun up as to get as much practice as possible. He would play 54 holes or so each day. Now THATS alot of golf in one day.
108, but it was on an executive course, par 60. I was about 12 or 13. Several friends and I would play a Miami course called Kendale Country Club (now long gone) every Saturday beginning at about 6:30 AM. It was a few dollars for the first round then $1 for the rest of the day. Later they raised it to an outrageous $2 for the rest of the day.

We kept the same schedule every Saturday, ripping through 3 rounds before stopping for lunch in the clubhouse. Typically we'd play 2 more rounds before our parents picked us up. But on at least one occasion during the long summer days a few of us managed a 6th round before nightfall.

9 in the morning. Lunch. Then 18. I walked with a pushcart, and was pretty tired in the end.
Walked 36. What a great day.
36, Walked first 18, buggy for second 18 with a club sandwich and chips mixed in the middle. Good day!
36, and that's just way too much!!
When I was a caddy growing up, we could play all day on Monday, It was a short day if we only played 54. We normally played 72 and had putting contests until it was pitch dartk!
54holes. Walked 18 in the AM for a junior tournament. Drove to my home course and played 18 (in a cart). Then my Dad met me after work and we played another 18 (in a cart).
I played 54 and it took me from 8 am - 6 pm. I'm just wondering how you play 72 holes in one day. Maybe starting at dawn and ending at dusk and averaging about 3 1/2 hours a round?
18 for me.. I would play 36