PING just gets it!

Awesome! Way to go Ping!
What an amazing story well done to ping aswell for helping these heroes out,makes me glad ive just switched back to ping,
Great story. Nice going Ping!!
Great that they don't promote this. Adds real sincerity to the gesture and what a great way to help a guy/girl who has served to get their lives back to some semblance of normality.
I have read something similar before, and I agree, it is an amazing thing to do. I don't play PING clubs either, but I respect their company greatly, and they make some fantastic bags.
Thanks for sharing, thats a very cool story.
Wow that really is a great story! Great to see them supporting vets!
Some companies just do it right
That is really awesome of Ping. Truly a great company.
Way to go PING
I have always been indifferent towards Ping. Never buy any of their stuff new because they don't allow retailers to discount the product.

A story like this has prompted me to develop a new found respect for them.
Wow, just awesome! If id have know this before I might have bought the i15s instead of the rxf's I just bought. I love supporting companies that does this stuff for our troops! Way to go ping!

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Good on PING. I didn't know they did this and I'm proud to have some of their clubs in my bag.
Thanks for sharing that. Truly awesome.
I've know this for quite some time actually. It's a great program!
Great story! It's nice to see a big company doing something like this for our injured soldiers.
very nice gesture by Ping!
This is a great story. I love their products. They are an awesome company.
Great job Ping! Would be great if other golf equipment companies followed their example.
Another reason I love Ping.
Great by Ping. Good story to hear. Just wish I could make myself be more attracted to the looks of their clubs.
Ping is a company that has a Christian background. That is why they sometimes have names for their product lines like Rapture and Faith etc. Nice to know that they are charitable in a low key way. Golf is good therapy for all of us, but especially those that have served under adverse conditions.
Great story and kudos to PING.
As a vet, it's one of the reasons I LOVE Ping!