Wildlife Seen on the Golf Course

I was playing 9 up at Wildwood and had just teed off on a par 3 and was walking to the green. Out from the woods on the right comes a squirrel and it runs into the middle of the fairway to get some food. Well I walked right up to about 10 feet away and it just watched me and munched away unconcerned. Cute. Well right then, bamm out of nowhere, a bald eagle lands on this thing like a lightning strike. With a loud whomp whomp of some big wings it is gone just about as quick, squirrel dangling from the talons. I swear not more than ten feet from where I was walking.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open for a few minutes. You don't see that every day.

You are right, on the courses I play the squirrels know to stay off the fairway. hehehe
Playing in Vegas last week, I have never seen so many rabbits on golf courses in my life!
They were every where on all 4 courses that I played.
I only saw one predator the whole time....a skinny looking coyote that looked like he hadn't eaten in a month.
Playing in Vegas last week, I have never seen so many rabbits on golf courses in my life!
They were every where on all 4 courses that I played.
I only saw one predator the whole time....a skinny looking coyote that looked like he hadn't eaten in a month.

Wile E Coyote, no doubt.
Okay, I know you have seen me post some pictures of some of the smaller alligators on my course, but I ran into one today that deserved it's one video

that is impressive...

somebody hit one of our ospreys today and we had to call animal control to come get them
That's a big gator Tim. I hope to see some like that next week at the outing.
Do they get that big on golfers who get too close?
Not very exotic to many, but it was neat last weekend I saw 4 cuckoo birds fighting/mating dancing on a branch along the 18th. Only impressive to me because I didn't know that there were any around here (Ottawa Valley in Eastern Ontario).

OTOH, At the same course I saw some tracks in 4 different bunkers that I swear I can't tell if they were from a really big turkey or an emu. I've looked at pics for both tracks, and they seem identical. Normally Occam's Razor would lead me to assume turkey, but there are lots of emu farms around and I see them running free pretty regularly (must be born cage breakers). The tracks looked just like an arrow, and were at least 6 inches long (bigger than my hand). I wish I'd had my camera on me. The tracks weren't very close together, so it could have been a turkey running or an emu meandering. Odd.
That's a big gator Tim. I hope to see some like that next week at the outing.

Thats not even the biggest one on the course...the other one is a couple of feet bigger..lol
Okay, I know you have seen me post some pictures of some of the smaller alligators on my course, but I ran into one today that deserved it's one video

If you had stones you would have done a fly by in the buggy !!!!:D
Wow all i have to worry about are rattle snakes

Yeah we got those too

If you had stones you would have done a fly by in the buggy !!!!:D

I have seen that thing move to grab prey and I got as close as I was gonna get.....LOL
Most people don't know how fast those things really are!
In Illinois I have seen a lot of deer and turkey. Almost took off a turkeys head with my 5 wood once.
Two sightings by several golfers last weekend.
First on Saturday, a red tail hawk eating a squirrel just off the 16th green. Then on Sunday, a common water snake swallowing a frog and dragging it from the creek that crosses #4 fairway. All that showed of the frog was its lower half and its legs the head and front legs were inside the snakes mouth.
I want to see some gators this weekend. That is all

^^^^^^ I Tapped That ^^^^^^
Just got back from playing in Arizona, and saw my first Coyote, a bunch of big jack rabbits, prairie dogs, and then we are walking to the green on a short par 4, and this Bobcat just walks casually right across the green - that was cool!
Last year during one round I saw some cool animals.
Saw a few does with fawns. A buck.
A Ferret (musta got loose) chasing a small rabbit.
But the real deal was a snow white Raven! Now that hasta be rare! LOL
I want to see some gators this weekend. That is all

^^^^^^ I Tapped That ^^^^^^
Hopefully you won't be playing with JB! At the first outing, I was in his group with Spank and Spank took me back to see one, and JB was like "Are you serious?" Yes I was! hahaha
Played 2 late afternoon rounds this week with Steele and it's like friggin wild kingdom at our course this week...LOL

Saw lots of big Nutria rats around the swamp....say a couple of small deer, several big vultures and lots of gators.....Monday Steele was walking down by the water looking for his ball when all of the sudden "SPLASH" the water just exploded a few feet from him as one of the big gators moved real fast...scared the crap out of Steele

Then yesterday we teed off on 17, jumped in the cart and took off...rounded the corner and right in front of us on the path was the big gator from my video above...we were just about 5 feet from him and he was facing us with his mouth open...I thought Steele was going to drive the cart in the woods...LOL
At Bandon Dunes

Lets see, this year,,, Deer, turkeys, red tail hawks, coyotes, fox, coons, pheasants, muskrats, mallards, geese, herons, Piliated woodpecker (spelling?), a mink the other day, and vultures above when it seems you are having a bad round!

I should spend less time looking at the wildlife and more time golfing I think!! Mother nature is in deed incredible!!

hard to see but this is an osprey eating a giant fish

goslings at our sister course

really cool moth that looks like an airplane

this guy was walking on the cartpath near the proshop
he was about 300yrds away from the nearest water


Great pics Russ...we had an Osprey fly over today...very cool birds.
Great pics Russ...we had an Osprey fly over today...very cool birds.
thanks dogman... watching them fish is amazing
thats why i didnt get too close to take the pic... really huge claws and sharp beak lol
Snakes on your course? ID them with pics here.

Snakes on your course? ID them with pics here.

Not sure if there is a thread on this yet.....

I'm sure many of us play courses that have snakes on them. How often do you find yourself next to a snake and not know what kind it is or if you are in any danger?

Post a pic of the critter here and I'm sure that between the all of us, we can ID it so that next time you'll know what it is.

I'll start off with this little California King Snake that was sunning itself on the cart path near the 12th hole today. These guys are non-venomous, fairly docile and actually make good pets.
