I miss WaW. The limitations on that multi were awesome. Maps were excellent.
I never really played WaW multiplayer because I never owned it. Only played zombies when I was at a friends house or something.
Bunch of nerds in here. Geeze...
They need to come out with a Modern Black Warfare Ops game. Just combine the two and get it over with.

lol thats a great idea
I'm bored and spent the day in the rain someone get on and entertain me please
I'll be on in a bit. I'll be playing with one of my buddies DragonReborn. So no making fun of him again this time guys.
Nice! Love Double XP weekends... prestiged and jumped to level 28 in one session. Solid.

Yeah? I just kept getting disconnected. Time after time after time... After time
Only got disconnected a couple times tonight dude.. It was actually pretty good for me.

Same here one of the better days this week
Thoughts on watching pro CoD:

1 - Drop shotting is a joke
2 - "jump shotting" is equally as stupid and clearly a thing
3 - Jump shotting to prone is the biggest joke ever
4 - "Anchoring" to avoid getting spawn screwed is stupid
5 - 90% of those tools use an SMG
6 - etc
Thoughts on watching pro CoD:

1 - Drop shotting is a joke
2 - "jump shotting" is equally as stupid and clearly a thing
3 - Jump shotting to prone is the biggest joke ever
4 - "Anchoring" to avoid getting spawn screwed is stupid
5 - 90% of those tools use an SMG
6 - etc
Considering the SMG's are the best guns in the game, everybody should be using them.
Considering the SMG's are the best guns in the game, everybody should be using them.

They are only the best guns when you run around like a lunatic. I'd rather use some tactic and get into a gun fight, not a spraying mess.
Thoughts on watching pro CoD:

1 - Drop shotting is a joke
2 - "jump shotting" is equally as stupid and clearly a thing
3 - Jump shotting to prone is the biggest joke ever
4 - "Anchoring" to avoid getting spawn screwed is stupid
5 - 90% of those tools use an SMG
6 - etc

I tried to tell you guys. It sucks but it's just as annoying as the halo days and jumping every time you start a gun battle.

And #4 is equally as stupid. Avoid clans at all cost who do this(avoid demolition)
haha they can't even get a game going because all the players are chirping their ping.. Ridiculous.

I do love this game, and all the goofy crap it does to us.
Just seems like a lot if dying. Do these guys get paid?