Bode Miller destroys wife's face w/ golf ball

I had an injury almost exactly the same, just a little more into the eyebrow (same eye too), but it was from hockey.
Holy ouch!
what a horrible title to the article.
yikes. That is intense.... I would not be calling my spouse "darling," even if it was a bit facetious.
This is why potheads shouldn't golf.
you're headed where my mind went... I wonder if he was drinking like he used to. Scary & sad either way.
ow. ow. ow.
When I was 15, I was hit just below my left eye with a golf ball from a drive, guy hooked one into our fairway and gave me two seconds of warning. Pow, right in the kisser. Had to get 12 stitches, no broken bones, but about 11 months after the accident I would have double vision when I looked to my left in my peripheral field. Turns out I damaged one of my ocular nerves, (Cranial nerve 6), and had to have eye surgery to fix it.

My point is, she may be fine now, but there could be some nasty complications arising down the road. Not a fun experience.

Still didn't keep me from golfing again! :alien:
OMG Youch!!! I gotta look her up and see what she looked like before.............
Well he did ask for his eggs sunny side up and not scrambled !!!!
Wow that dude is gonna be in the dog house for a LOOOOONG time! Poor girl.
Ouch, stuff like that leaves some permanent damage. I cracked the bone under my right eye and took 48 stitches to put my forehead back together over the right eye plus some plastic surgery to cover up the damage so I didn't look like frankenstien. Wasn't a golf ball, it was fists and a curb but still, same principle. I have no feeling in my forehead on that side, when you touch it the skin itches just above my right ear and that damage was done over 12 years ago.
Damn! That hurts just looking at it.
Note to self: Don't play golf with Bode..

I remember practicing once on a little 100yd practice hole where you could drop a shag bag of 80 balls and hit away. I was hitting balls with my then 5 yr old daughter and as she duffed a ball and went forward to get it I swear I hit one by her that was a yard away from her face. Scared and scarred me, not sure she noticed.
ouch. that doesn't look good.
Note to self....don't trust anyones swing take cover.