Driver testing day! Not what I expected.


Sweet Trajectory
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
GHIN 12.6
Well, I made it into Dick's today to try some different drivers and see what works for me. Had the launch monitor to myself for over an hour and hit a LOT of balls. The results, were very interesting and not what I expected.

I warmed up with my 9.5-degree Burner 2.0, which I can't seem to get to launch very well anymore. As I thought, my best drives were around 240-ish with it and I was pull/hooking it. Backspin was high too, which I think was one of my biggest issues with not getting any distance out that club.

Started off with the Amp Cell at 9.5 degrees. Honestly, the results weren't great, which was disappointing, because that's the club I wanted to like the most. I was hitting it around 250-255 yards but working it more right to left than I wanted. I'd got back to it later and hit it at 10.5 degrees. Still not the best of the bunch for me. More loft got me more backspin. But the biggest issue was that it just didn't set up right for my eye. Felt a little weird at address and the mis-hits didn't feel very good.

Hit an X-Hot 9.5 as well. Also hit a 10.5. The club felt good to me, nice and light and I liked the look at address. Liked the sound of it too. I hit some good ones, for sure, got some out there over 260, backspin wasn't too bad, launch angle was decent. The only thing I was kind of hesitant about was that my misses were more erratic with this model.

The third one I hit was the R1. Although I have a lot of TM product in my bag, this was the club I was least hoping to enjoy. I don't know why, but it just seems a little cliche to me to just run out and buy the newest, coolest TM driver. Started at 9.5 with square face and was overdrawing it a little bit. Went to 10 degrees and 1 degree open and saw improvement. Went to 10 degrees and 2 degrees open and wham! I started smoking it (for me). Even though I was getting tired (I'd already hit well over 100 balls in a very short time span), I was launching it nicely and the backspin was much lower than any of the other clubs. My pattern stayed within about 10 yards of the center line on all of the shots. Carry distance was getting up around 235-240, which is really good for me and was still drawing most of my shots.

I wanted to try a Stage 2 after the R1, just to see if I really needed to spend the extra $100. I liked the feel of it, because it's lighter than the R1. But I got right back to the issue of too much back spin with it and my misses were all over the place. Hit the R1 again and right back in the groove.

So, needless to say, I walked out of there $400 lighter, but I'm looking forward to hitting the course with this bad boy tomorrow and seeing what I can do with it outdoors. The ability to adjust face angle was basically what made this club work for me. Crazy, because 6 months ago, I was slicing my driver so bad and now, after working with a great teacher, I'm drawing the ball and actually had to OPEN the face. I'd have called anyone who predicted that crazy not very long ago. The other thing I like about my purchase is that, say something changes with me or I just start hitting the club poorly, there's a lot I can do to make it better. Gotta love technology!
Congrats on the purchase! The R1 is a great driver and I'm sure you'll love it.
Glad you found something that worked for you.
Great stuff man! Sounds like you made the right choice!

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Alright, glad you found "the one", Congratulations.
Syndicate, I'm glad that you found THE right club for you. The R1 is a very nice TM offering. Good luck with it.
Congrats on the new purchase. I am glad you were able to test everything you wanted and pick what worked best for you.
Sounds like you found a winner. Congrats!
Don't worry about clichés, go with results. Glad you found what works for you.
Awesome Eddie! Glad it worked out for you! Taylormade makes great clubs even if their marketing is over the top at times, but I think you'll enjoy it!
To echo all the others, what matters most is you found the right one for you. Now go rock it!
Thats great that you found a driver i guess thats why its important to hit them all to find out which one works best for you.
Who cares what people think as long as the club works for you
Great that you found something that works for you. Not to worry if it's the latest and greatest from TM. It works for you and that is all that matters in the end.

Thanks guys, and I agree. I've bought stuff (golf and non-golf) in the past, just because I wanted it, without really doing the research to see if it was the best option, so I was determined not to spend $300 or $400 on the wrong driver this time around. Even though I like to make unconventional choices, I've got pretty proven and widely popular clubs in my bag, because they work for me.
Not in the slightest bit jealous ;)

I am desperate to go and hit the R1 and the Razr Fit Xtreme in particular but I dare not because I know I will walk out having spent another £300.
Congratulations! You did the right process, so at least you know the money is spent on the right thing. Enjoy it!
Way to go. I actually thought you would end up with the Amp Cell since that was your favorite going in. Interesting to see that the numbers didn't lie and you got the R1. Congrats!
Congrats on the new driver. I hit the R1 yesterday during a long drive contest via simulator. I thougt it felt good but each contestant got only three shots and all mine were slices. Needless to say I didnt win, place or show. A guy bombed all three of his shots 345+ straight down the middle and won a new dirver. I think he was a ringer for TM at least that's what I told myself to feel better. haha!
Nice purchase. Sounds like you found the driver that you hit the best after checking a bunch of them, which I think is the way to do it. Congrats!
Congrats on the new driver. I hit the R1 yesterday during a long drive contest via simulator. I thougt it felt good but each contestant got only three shots and all mine were slices. Needless to say I didnt win, place or show. A guy bombed all three of his shots 345+ straight down the middle and won a new dirver. I think he was a ringer for TM at least that's what I told myself to feel better. haha!

345?!?! Holy crap, I could only dream...